Persie The Cowardly Demigod

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Happy Saturday, y'all! Yesterday was a hard day for me and my family because my great grandmother passed away at 97 earlier this week, and we had her funeral. It was also a celebration, considering she was 97 and lived a long, full life. I was able to see a lot of family I haven't seen in years, so that was really eyeopening and I learned a few things along the way.

She was phenomenal at the accordion, picking it up at 5 years old after someone left one at her house by accident. Her older brother later spent a month's worth of wages when she was 11 to buy an accordion to call her own, and she was a performer ever since. She was an artist in her own right, and it still continues to live on in everything her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren do every day.

Including writing this piece.

***For those of you who can tell me what cartoon I got this chapter title from over private message, you will get a sneak peek at the next chapter AND a sneak peek at a new original story.

Happy reading!

Ally Layne.


Lord Geoffry and I reached Imladris in record time, our worry for Elladan's safety driving us and our horses to move swifter than we ever have before. The sun had started to go down beneath the horizon and by the time we reached the cobbled stones of Imladris the stars shone brightly in the sky over our heads.

We were met with many elven warriors holding torches and lanterns while preparing horses. I noticed a few of the elves from the healing halls frantically grabbing different items, too. Amidst the chaos, there was one voice that stuck out over the crowd and it was very familiar.

"An orc pack of thirty orcs and their wargs were spotted east about five leagues from here only four hours ago when Lord Elladan was shot down by an arrow, brought back to safety with Lords Elrohir and Aldarian and Ladies Arwen and Alma. Unfortunately, two were left behind!"

The golden-haired warrior on top of a white horse addressed the others, his melodious voice ringing out past the gates and into the large ravine where it echoed all the way down.

"They are sending out a search party," Lord Geoffry said, as we slowed down our horses to ease them into a canter. "We need to reach them before they head out."

"Or we can just make ourselves known," I told him while grinning, before raising my voice to be heard over Goldilocks's speech. "Yo! Goldilocks! We're back!"

All the elves apart of the search party stopped at the sound of my voice, and I could see Goldilocks's hair swing around violently in its war ponytail as he looked for where my voice came from.

I could practically feel the eye roll coming from the elf next to me. "Maybe be more tactful next time, mellon nin."

"Dude, I'm practically dripping with tact." Goldilocks met my eyes, and I could see them narrow slightly at my haggard appearance. "Tact is my middle name."

Geoffry scoffed, before hopping off his horse and leading it the rest of the way. "That is a poor middle name."

I followed his lead, easing Bud the rest of the way with the reigns. "You think? Maybe I should change it to something like Danger."

This time I actually saw him roll his eyes. "That is not any better."

"What is not better?" Goldilocks's voice cut through our conversation, as a few stable hands came through and took the horses off our hands. I gave Bud's flank a fond pat as he walked off, eager to get undivided attention.

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