Payment in Full

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Thank you to all who read, commented, voted, and messaged! You guys are awesome! I am still on the lookout for a beta, and will get back to some of you who offered! Thanks for all the support you have given me! 

Also, for those of you who are fans of BBC's Merlin (like me), I have uploaded another story called "Wills and Fates" which is a Merlin fanfiction where I've added his sister into the mix! If you want, feel free to check it out! 

XOXO Ally Layne.


A pause flooded through the table.

"It depends," Glorfindel spoke gruffly, but I didn't dare look in his direction. "You have a fea, which is compatible with the blessings of the Valar. They do have some power over your fate, it would seem."

I swallowed. "That complicates things, I guess."

"If you could live forever, would you?" Geoffry asked. "It has been a few years since you were last propositioned immortality. If you were gifted with it now, would you accept?"

I knew Glorfindel's gaze was staring daggers on the side of my head. I took a moment, remembering how I felt when I had turned 16 and was offered immortality. I didn't want to be 16 forever. I didn't want that kind of life, the life of a god who would watch as everyone lived and died around them...

But here? I have others who would live with me. New friends. New family.

I had Glorfindel.

And they would all live forever, at my side.

"I think I would accept," I admitted, feeling a faint flush of heat brighten my cheeks. "I wouldn't be alone this time around."

Aldarian clapped my shoulder, grinning broadly. "No, you would have all of us. Either way, mortal or immortal, you are our friend and family, Persie." He lifted his glass up. "To family!"

The others cheered and lifted their glass, and I smiled as I raised my own, clinking it with the others. "To family!"

Elladan immediately started talking about a girl that he had spent the night with a few days prior and started going into some raunchy details that I honestly did not need to know. Something about him talking about how good the elleth was in bed wasn't something I cared to know.

"How are you doing?" Glorfindel asked me quietly. I turned to face him and met his smile with my own.

"I think I'm okay," I said honestly. "It was nice to be able to talk about that stuff and not have to worry about saying too much."

Goldilocks ran a hand through his hair, which flowed down past his shoulders in slight waves that only added to his royal charm. I felt my breath hitch at the smell of pine and mint that came with his movements and allowed myself to bask in the glory of Glorfindel.

"I am glad you feel like you can share with us, it is nice to hear about your world and your friends as well," he told me, eyes wide in earnest.

"I did have very great friends there," I admitted. "They weren't just friends, they were family. And now, I think I've found that again."

A toothy grin spread on his tanned face. "You certainly are family to us as well, Nemir. However, some of us think of you a bit differently than one would think of a family member."

I giggled, leaning into his overwhelming scent. "And who would that be?"

A large, tanned hand came to rest on my own hand, which rested on the side of my glass. I stared as his fingers slowly started to intertwine with my own, and felt my cheeks burn at the flames that danced in his eyes.

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