To Forgive or Not To Forgive

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Happy Valentine's Day to my Lovely Readers! I hope you are all having a great day (whether you have sweethearts or not) and if this day is like mine and you need a little pick-me-up well have no fear! A special update is here! (WHICH MEANS ANOTHER UPDATE IS COMING TOMORROW, TOO!)

Also, thank you so much to those who have followed me because of my horrible desperation. 

So, if you haven't done so yet: follow me because I'm lonely and it's Valentine's Day. 

Or not, and that's fine too it's totally up to you!

XOXO Ally Layne.


After being completely railed over and over again about how dumb I had been by Alma, I finally was able to go to sleep. And like always, there were nightmares that met me as soon as my consciousness slipped away, leaving me stranded in a horrible realm I couldn't escape.

When I awoke to knocks sounding on my door, I didn't care that the moon was still up. Whoever they were, they saved me from a worse fate than waking up too early in the morning.

I slipped on my robe to cover my nightgown that revealed a bit too much skin for my liking. I knew that I had a lot of scars that covered my body. I knew that they should be worn like badges of honor- but I didn't want to deal with that issue just yet.

I was still hooked on thinking about Glorfindel and Mirwen. I bet, just like what had happened before, they had slept together. At the very least, something must have happened because he was willing to go with her in the first place.

I think.

If Glorfindel was here to beg for forgiveness I was so going to kick his ass.

There were three more knocks again on the door, and I hurried my pace and opened it just as the third knock sounded. But it wasn't Glorfindel standing there. I immediately looked down and saw the small form of Varis standing there warily with tears on her face.

My heart immediately went out for the dwarrowdam and threw an arm around her shoulder, dragging her into the room. The sound of her quiet sobs echoed in my ears far louder than the door slamming shut behind me.

I gave her some space once we made it to the living area of my rooms, where a couch and loveseat sat before a fireplace. She took a seat on the loveseat, and not trying to be too forward I ended up seated on the couch.

"I did not know... I did not know who to go to," she cried, shaking her head sullenly as she looked down at her feet. "I am so sorry for waking you!"

"No, Varis, it's okay really," I tried to console her. "Trust me, sometimes it's far better to be awake than deal with the things I see while asleep."

Her red, teary eyes snapped up to peer at me curiously. "Are you a seer, then?"

I let out a soft laugh. "I wish." She then started to retreat back into herself, probably regretting the quick question. "But I do deal with seeing things that have happened in the past, and sometimes other versions of them."

Her sobs quieted, and I noticed her hands shaking in her lap. "You have nightmares, too?"

Is that why she was here?

"Yeah, every night. I don't remember a time when I didn't have one, to be honest," I told her. "Not to say that if you have nightmares that you will never be rid of them- it's just that I guess I haven't gotten that far, yet."

Varis tucked back a loose strand of her fiery hair behind her ear. "Nor have I."

I let out a sigh and silently prayed to the gods that I would say the right thing. "You don't have to deal with them alone, you know. Sometimes it helps to talk about it."

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