An Attack on the Spirit

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Dearest Readers,

Today was a very rough day for me, but I decided I needed to post this because if I didn't my day would probably only feel that much worse. Huzah! I did it! Oh, and with the Carona Virus my school is being pushed online and I have spring break next week so more free time= more writing time! Yay!

I am so stoked to get all the nice feedback and thank you for all of your support. It helps so very much, and I love updating because of your words. I hope you all continue to like this story, and hope you decide to continue to read!

BTW, I have a new blog,, which basically is super cool so check it out and follow me on social media because why not. Life's too short not to take a look so go do it!

With love,

Ally Layne.


It turns out I wasn't as done as I originally thought.

Alma and Finalion met me in the library, and by the look on my face, they immediately knew something was wrong. However, luckily they knew enough about my behavior and control issues to not ask about it.

Instead, I sat there and listened to Finalion give his speech about the sons of Numenor and I found myself drifting away from what he was saying and thought about other things. Like the kiss I had interrupted.

Glorfindel, the strong, handsome, kind warrior that was my dear friend who I thought possibly knew me in ways I didn't know myself... he had been kissing the one person I hated more than Nancy Bobafit.

Alma kept wringing her hands while looking over at me with worried eyes, but I did my best to not meet her questioning glances. I think I'd probably lose it if I had to explain what happened now.

It's amazing how a few days can completely change everything.

I leaned back in the chair and crossed my arms helplessly against my chest. I thought the pressure might help ease the ache I felt, but nothing seemed to help. A sigh slid out between my lips.

"Are you even listening, mellon?"

I blinked. "Huh?"

Finalion let out a chuckle. "I think that answers your question, Lady Almarian."

I rubbed a hand down my face. "Shush, Fin. It's not my fault you're boring me to death."

The elf glared back at me. "I was not the one who was speaking for the past ten minutes, Persephone. Perhaps you should start paying better attention when we are trying to help you."

My arms flailed up in the air as I cried, "What is the point of this, anyway? What's the point of any of this History crap? There are so many people out there who need help, and what am I doing? Sitting and daydreaming as you and Alma try to teach me shit I'll never remember?"

Fin didn't seem to care much about the disrespect toward him, but rather he took the insult to his scholarship quite harshly. "History, Persephone, is not shit. You need to understand the basics if you are to hope to understand the world around you when you are cleared for patrol duties and even asked by the councils to embark on journies on other's behalf!"

I threw my head back with a groan. "It's not even like I'll ever get to go out and kill orcs anyway, Fin. Didn't you hear? Glorfindel hasn't deemed me mentally well enough to go on patrol! Patrol! I was on patrol duty when I was twelve! That's nothing!"

He narrowed his eyes. "What do you think that tells you about those in charge of your wellbeing when you were twelve?"

I tilted my head forward to glare at him menacingly. "They cared about me and trusted me. That was enough."

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