Chapter 36

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"Goodbye Arthur, have a safe trip." I give him a goodbye hug before shutting the main door. Now I'm alone in a house with the two people who are allegedly trying to kill me.

"Looks like it's just us three now" Vanessa sighs, I give her an awkward smile and go back to my room.

It's early, about 6am and the hospital will open soon. I decide to get ready since I'm awake anyway. I put on a tan turtleneck sweater and dark blue jeans before slipping my feet into some boots and spraying a sweet floral perfume. 

By the time I'm completely ready and have had some toast for breakfast it's 7:30 and I decide to drive the Toyota Xavier had bought to drive into the hospital.

As soon as I sit into the car, a weird emotion overtakes me. I sit and look around the car, Xavier only drove it for about a day but it smelt like him already.

I started the car and drove to the hospital. I was there soon enough and went straight into Xavier's room. To my relief the security were still there and told me no one had entered or left except our doctor.

I went in and sat down on the edge of Xavier's bed this time. His perfect face lay there lifelessly.

"Hey King." I urge his fingers to interlock with mine. "It's been a tough few days," I laugh sadly "the FBI think your brother tried to kill me and accidentally shot you instead and I'm stuck living with him."

I squeeze his hand "I'm scared King, especially without you there for me. Please wake up soon, I love you."

I sit there in the usual silence. I move to my seat and I'm about to drift off when the beeping of the heart beat monitor rang loudly.

Instantly fear grew inside me and I screamed for a doctor and 2 immediately rushed in. They ask me to leave and soon a nurse practically pulls me out of his room.

I stand outside the door, breathing frantically.

The nurse comes out and tries to calm me down and gives me a plastic cup of water. I down it just to satisfy her and calm myself down.

"Good news Mrs King." The doctor comes out of the room "his heart beat and breathing rate has increased, I don't know if it's something you said to him or what but there was a rush of adrenaline in his system and he's awake."

"He's awake!" I'm so happy I give the doctor a hug and then run into Xavier's room.

There he is.

His bed has been adjusted so he's sitting up straight and I literally don't know what to do. His hair is messy but perfect, his face looks exhausted but perfect.

I stand there taking it all in. He's awake. Eventually I manage to walk up to him and sit down on the edge of the bed by his waist.

"Lia.." his voice is raspy and low "I've missed you."

"Me too King," I take his hand and he interlocks our fingers "so much."

"Come," he moves to make space for me to lay next to him "is that cool doc?"

The doctor gives us a thumbs up and then leaves the room to give us some privacy. I carefully squeeze into the bed next to Xavier, resting my head on his shoulder.

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