Chapter 5

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After I walked out the restaurant with a drunk Jasmine stumbling behind me. We got into her car and were ready to leave.

"I had so much fun today Mel!!!" she squealed drunkenly. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah I guess I enjoyed it tonight." I say as I turn right and go into the parking lot of our building.

I park the car and drag Jasmine upstairs with me. I try to lay her on her bed but end up dropping her onto the floor.

She starts laughing like an idiot and makes kissing signs with her hands.

"Mel and Jayden sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-S-S-S-I-N-G" she started giggling and then passed out on the floor. I took the blanket and cushions from our couch and covered her up before heading to my room.

When I got into my bathroom I removed my makeup and dress, put on some pyjamas and did my skincare routine. After that I went to sleep.

I'm the kinda person who falls asleep seconds after my head hits the pillow so I don't really have any night thoughts.

I wake up the next morning and see it's 10 am and I started freaking out till I realised it was Sunday. I got dressed and them went to the kitchen and passed Jasmine who was fast asleep. She must have woken up in the middle of the night because she was now on the couch.

"Morning," she mumbled.

"Morning," I chirped.

"Owww.....Son of a bitch I'm never drinking again." she held her head in pain and mutters under her breath as she made her way to the toilet.

I made myself a bowl of oatmeal and took the first bite enjoying it until I heard Jasmine throw up. Loudly.

I looked at my oatmeal and all of a sudden had lost my appetite.

A few minutes later she came back into the kitchen dressed and sat on a chair. "What we having for breakfast," she asked.

"Here have some oatmeal," I say as I push my bowl toward her. As she began to eat it I thought I was gonna throw up so I decided to go back to my room.

I was sitting in my bean bag chair reading a book and tried to concentrate but there was only one thing on my mind.


Even though we had only been on one date he was stuck in my head. I felt like we really connected and was looking forward to seeing him again. My phone beeped and I had gotten a new text.

'Hey Mel, had fun last night wondering if we could meet up again soon.'

'Sure, I'm free on the weekends'  I replied, a smile made it's way on my face when I saw that he wanted to see me again.

His face was plastered into my brain and no matter how much I tried to get rid of it, I couldn't. Later that night I went to bed, and for once had a lot on my mind.


My alarm started ringing and I checked the time to see I had to leave in 10 minutes otherwise I would be late. And to be honest I didn't want to face the consequences of being late.

I put on black pants, a nude blouse and wore black heels but put a pair of sneakers in my bag just in case my feet started to hurt.

I didn't have time to do my makeup so I just applied some mascara and lip gloss and ran out the house.

If only I had a car.

I waited at the bus stop but saw my bus was not coming for another 20 minutes. I internally groan but started to walk. I huff and I change into my sneakers before I start speed-walking.

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