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A deafening screech pierced the air above as Yanni continued to climb rocks and search for her missing lover.

She wanted to shout his name in hopes that he would hear her but she knew she couldn't that may bring hordes of creatures or worse the titans straight to her

She had left Hermes hours ago and luckily had not run into any thing since. Still she kept her eyes sharp and alert searching for any signs of danger lurking

Yanni didn't know how long she had been inside Tartarus but she began to suspect that time moved differently in it. She found another hole similar to the one before and took a short nap trying to be smart and replenish her rapidly depleting energy. But she was growing tired and increasingly hungry.

Still she kept moving ignoring her body's needs. She worried if she stopped for even a second her good fortune would run out.

As if on cue, A angry growl erupted behind her

Yanni halted. her heart spiking in fear as she slowly turned toward the sound

A gasp escaped her as she witnessed 5 ugly creatures staring back at her. She had never seen nor heard of them before.

They had unnaturally long limbs and three eyes each. Their hair was stingy and missing in patches. Their hands housed long claws and even from where she stood she could smell their putrid scent clogging her nose, nearly making her gag

She stepped back as they chuffed and gargled unintelligible babble to one another

Yanni continued walking back as they seemed in an argument among themselves

Unfortunately her foot kicked a rock making it clank away and bringing their attention right back to her

They sneered at her attempt to flee and then they charged

Yanni spun and immediately took off, bolting faster than she ever thought she could move

She jumped down and over endless rocks and jagged cliffs. Trying to shake them, but they were relentless. Yanni was worried she would grow tired before they would give up

she stumbled momentarily allowing the one closest to pounce on her. Yanni quickly twirled out the way and slashed him across his back. It shrieked and fell away but she didn't stop to see if it was killed, she just kept running

Soon enough just as she feared her energy began to wane and her fear began to mount as it did. Still she kept on even as her legs burned and her lungs ached.

Suddenly a body flew at the group of creatures. Yanni had kept running until she realized what happened. stopping, she watched the stranger kill all the monsters in mere seconds.

As they fell dead to the ground, the stranger turned toward her. The hood they wore cloaked their face in shadow as they nonchalantly wiped the blood of the creatures off their blade

They took a step toward her and Yanni warily stepped back ready to flee once again

The stranger halted at her fearful retreat, before slowly removing the hood

Yanni inhaled a sharp breath as the face of the one person she had been longing to see came into view

"Ares" she whispered in shocked disbelief

Tears poured from her eyes as she raced towards him at he same time he ran to her

He captured her body as she flung herself into his strong, waiting arms. Yanni smothered her face into his broad chest and let out gut wrenching sobs of relief and happiness

"I found you".................

Falling for War (BWWM-MYTHOLOGY)Where stories live. Discover now