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"Hermes!" Yanni shouted as she caught his descent. He leaned his weight into her grimacing at the pain of his wounds that continued to leak thick black gunk

She didn't know what it was, but she knew it didn't look good and judging by Hermes expression it could be fatal

"We need to have Demeter pull us out"  Yanni said panic in her tone

"NO! we have to find Ares"

"Hermes look at you, your hurt. you cant continue on like this"  She reasoned, stumbling as she struggled to support his body

"I just need rest believe me. I will be fine soon enough. Lets find somewhere safe to rest for a few"

Yanni reluctantly acquiesced. She walked on, practically dragging Hermes along as they searched, Yanni briefly  wondered if there was anywhere that could even be considered safe in a place like Tartarus

Hermes steadily dripped blood and his weight seemed to grow with each passing minute. Finally Yanni managed to find a small crop of rocks that grew around a small hole. It wasn't a true shelter but it would shield them from danger long enough for Hermes to heal

She managed to get him there just as his eyes dropped close. Yanni laid him down as comfortably as she could in the small hole. She tore her garment and tried to bind his wound. But it refused to stop oozing the black gunk.

Yanni fought the panic rising in her chest. Hermes couldn't die. She needed him, Ares needed him. He would be devastated if his friend died trying to save him

Would he blame her?  Yanni wondered

Hermes mumbled in his breath moving his head side to side

Yanni hoped that was a sign that we was fighting off whatever the hag bitch did to him. Conceding there was nothing more she could do, She settled her body tightly into the hole beside Hermes and watched the area for threats; her daggers resting ready in her lap

Her gaze parodically drifted to Hermes, making sure he was still breathing

She count afford to lose him just like she couldn't afford to lose Ares


Yanni jerked awake at the sound of a quiet cough beside her. She instinctively clutched her dagger then relaxed her grip when her sleepy eyes met Hermes. He was sitting up holding his stomach as he studied her

The scrutinizing  look on his face made Yanni squirm  uncomfortably

He didn't look well. His face was paler than before and his eyes now held shadows as he blinked rapidly in a obvious struggle to keep them open

( ya'll already know what this music is for. This scene is so touching. I'm giving fair warning you may cry)

"He loves you, you know" he murmured lowly

Yanni snapped her eyes to him her lips titled in a small smile

"Yes and i love him"

He gave her a pained grin

"that much is clear."  He replied  nodding his head toward the landscape. then a moment of silence fell between them before he added

"But is it enough?"

"What do you mean?" 

"He needs you Yanni. He has been waiting a very longtime to find someone to love whom could return it tenfold. Despite his reputation and what everyone thinks about him, Ares is a good man. Hard and rough is in his blood but that does not mean he is without honor or compassion."

"He deserves someone who can see and appreciate him in his entirety. And love him all the same; the way he has never been his entire existence."

Yanni ruminated over his words. She knew Ares' parents did not love him. Nor did Aphrodite; The only other woman he had genuinely loved

"Are you that person Yanni?"  Hermes asked breaking her musings

Was she?

Yanni lifted her head a bit higher summoning her confidence

"Yes. I am" she answered her voice clear and assertive

Hermes chuckled then coughed, leaning over. When he straightened the blackened gunk oozed from the corner of his lips

"Hermes" Yanni gasped in alarm

He held up his hand stopping her attempt to help him

"You have to go Yanni. Go find Ares. Save him"

"What? I'm not leaving you here, Hermes" she snarked irritably. his refusal to get help was pissing her off

"LISTEN!" He growled loudly making Yanni jump

"I am dying" He stated coughing up some more gunk

"NO! I need you, i cant do this without you!" she cried tears flooding her cerulean eyes

"I'm sorry, but this is where my journey ends but not yours....."

"Hermes, i am just a mortal. i cannot possibly find him on my own in this place" she pleaded between sniffles

"Yanni what your station is when we are born is of no consequence. It is what we remake ourselves  to be that matters in the end. you may be born a mortal but there is a fire in your spirit. A Warriors fire same as Ares.

The first time i saw you i knew you would be good for him. Your strong, caring and selfless. But now... Ares needs you to be more than that. He needs you to be braver than you could ever imagine. Stronger than you ever thought you could be."

 "Can you do that Yanni? Can you be what Ares needs?"

Yanni swiped at her tears, drying her face before answering


"Good..... I always knew you would be special. Take care of my friend"  he said smiling in satisfaction as he coughed again and more blackness poured from his mouth and then......he was gone

"NO!" Yanni hugged him to her sobbing as she laid him down and took a long moment to gather herself

She hated to leave him here in this horrific place, but thinking about his last words she knew she had to get moving

Ares needed her and like she promised Hermes she was going to be more than just a silly weak mortal. She was going to be the strong fierce warrior that Ares needed.

She was gonna save her man............. 

RIP HERMES. What do you think will happen next?




Thanks For Reading!!!!!!

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