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A crash sounded followed by a screech of fear and a loud aggravated growl. Several people rushed out;  fleeing  the room in terror

Yanni tossed anything within  reach at anyone who dared approached her attempting to groom her for her "wedding day"

She wouldn't have no one touching her, nor would she be marrying that despicable male

She would rather go back to the underworld, to where the tortured souls dwell an d moan in agony, anything rather than submit to being his wife

She belonged to no one. but if she did choose to,  it would've Ares. He was the last person she would ever chose

Another maid attempted to enter but was met with the crash of a  nearby platter of her uneaten  breakfast 

She was on strike in more ways than one. the food clattered loudly against the door; leaking everywhere in a sloppy mess

Just as messy as her  emotions currently were

The woman screamed and ran right back out the room. Yanni smiled in satisfaction.  she had succeeded in scaring everyone off, then slowly  her smile turned into a deep frown as she sat defeatedly on the bed pondering how she could get out of this dreadful situation

She missed Ares terribly. She hoped wherever he was he was ok but somehow she knew that wasn't the case

He was likely just as stuck and miserable as she was, if he was even still alive

A mournful tear slipped down Yanni's cheek, followed by dozens more as the soul crushing helpless engulfed her like bondage 

She had to find a way out of this she just had to


Zeus sighed as the 6th servant scurried away from Yanni's chambers in fear

He knew exactly what was occurring but had assumed she would eventually understand all her tantrums and anger were folly 

They would be married in a few hours whether she were properly dressed or in her servant rags. It mattered none to him

After the 7th maid fled her rooms his patience had reached its miniscule  limit

He stormed toward her chambers and threw open the doors so forcefully, they cracked and splintered against the marble walls.

Zeus watched her jump in fright and step back away cautiously as soon as her gaze settled on the furious epression that was no doubt darkeneing his features

He startled up towards her, backing her into a corner. the fear in her eyes showed in the rapid breaths she took as he pressed her into the wall

"What is the issue Yanni?. Why are you still inappropriately dressed?" he sneered, his face so threateningly close her sweet breath feathered across his face

"because i will not marry you!!!" she spat back defiantly

"YES YOU WILL!!!"  Zeus raored at her. Her disobedience was something he liked yet hated


Zeus grabbed her arms pulling her petite form roughly against him. His grip was undoubtedly bruising but she didn't flinch in his hold, only met his stare with a unrelenting defiance he couldn't  help but admire

"Why not!!!!?" ! i shook her body so hard her teeth rattled "Why will you not just accept me Yanni?!!" 

she bit her lip from the pain his jarring was causing but Zeus was too enraged to notice or stop

"BECAUSE!!"...She yelled, her pain faced twisting into hate and then sadness "Because I don't love you...I love...him. I'll away only love him"

Zeus could feel his face grow hot with rage as he stared her down

"I. do. not. care.!  You will allow the servants to ready you to become my wife...If you do not i will have your beloved Ares KIlled"

She gaped at him as he left the room. 

She was testing him in ways no other had ever before, Still he could not help but feel impressed by her.  she would make quite the Queen he thought proudly

Yes, he was determined to make her his Queen, Her words about always loving Ares echoed in his head but he shook them away. It mattered little. Ares was gone and she would be his forever

And forever was a very long time.............




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