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(Poseidon in pic)


The familiar voice jolted him from his brooding thoughts as he sat on this throne drinking as he always did

Brother he acknowledged but keeping gulping down the bitter brew. He hardly ate these days. He was still in mourning for his brother and daughter and stressed over Yanni's refusal to cooperate

He missed simpler times

His impending wedding to her was the only thing he had to look forward to even if the bride was a little........difficult

"I received you message" he said vaguely although both knew exactly what he was referring to

Zeus said nothing as he continued drinking away all his sorrows; Its burning numbing the relentless emotions that pounded away at him each waking day

"My brother" Poseidon began


Poseidon left out a heavy sigh

"This path you seek will not ease your pain nor provide the happiness you desire. Why are yo-"

"I do not need to hear your lectures, Poseidon. leave me be" he snapped irritably

Poseidon watched him gulping down copious amounts of drink and drowning in his anger and pain. He wanted to help him see that he would only find further devastation and destruction in his actions, but his brother was always the most stubborn and spoiled of the bunch

He hated to be denied and he hated to be wrong


"She betrayed me"  he murmured his face morphing into a forlorn expression

"Who did?"


Stunned he couldn't even move his mouth to respond. 

"she, Hera and Aphrodite. Conspired to release Cronus all with the sole purpose of killing me"

"Inconceivable"  Poseidon blurted out in disbelief. 

Everyone knew of Athena's undying loyalty and love for her father. A bitter chuckle escaped Zeus as he spoke

"I could see Hera doing such a thing;  spiteful and bitter as she was. Even Aphrodite, the whore was always selfish and harbored not an ounce of brains, but Athena...My Athena"

"WHy?" Poseidon asked his own voice echoing the pain Zeus had retained since that dreadful day he discovered her deception. Since then he had told no one what he had learned.  But the truth had ate at him. The wound, festering and souring; refusing to heal or even close

"She loved Crius. Wanted to be free of me so she could have him" it physically ached Zeus to even speak the truthful words

"The Titan?!" Poseidon growled

"Yes the damn Titan!" Zeus spat hurling his semi empty cup in anger. The loud clang as it hit the floor had the surrounding servants flinching in fright. Immediately one rushed to clean the spilled brew that had begun to spread across the gleaming marble floors

Zeus slouched sulking  further into his throne, once he realized he had threw away his only solace he barked for a servant to bring him another

Poseidon watched as not even mere minutes later a new glass was rushed to him. Shaking his head he contemplated everything Zeus had just revealed

"So it was she that orchestrated Hades' death"

"Yes " Zeus replied grumbling into his cup "Our brother is dead and my daughter was the cause."

"Zeus. Enough!. None of that matters now . You must pull yourself t-"


"SO IS MINE!!!" Poseidon bellowed losing his carefully restrained temper

Zeus was taken aback by his raised voice. Rarely did anyone here him do so. He was the embodiment of calm, patient and controlled

"I have lost him as well, He was my brother too.. But you are not alone. We are not alone. I beseech you to stop this destructive path you seem so determined to traverse. I...I do not want to lose you as well."  he admitted unashamedly

Zeus snapped his gaze to him with a new tortured look in his eye. His brothers were the only ones allowed to ever see the almighty god with severe emotions. The hurt in his brother's eyes that mirrored his own made him feel even worse.

So encompassed within his own grief he had failed to realize he was not the only one who had suffered a loss

"I...I am sorry, my brother forgive me"

"Always...Now let the girl go. You have already taken her lover. If you will not allow them to be together than at least you can grant her, her freedom to live peacefully. If you force her to wed you it will be a Hera situation all over again. Except worse. At least you and Hera loved at one time, but she has never loved you. A life bound to a bitter and resentful female is something you have already experienced is that really something you wish to repeat"

Zeus began to reply when Poseidon stopped him 

"I am not attempting to command you. However you cannot deny the truth in my words, brother. I only wish to see you happy. Truly happy. And this is not the way" He said 

then with a forlorn smile he was gone

Zeus thought on his words knowing he was right

He felt like he did really love Yanni but couldn't deny that she could be simply a method for him to cope with his grief. He did desire her immensely, but perhaps he allowed that desire to turn into more. Using her as a distraction. something to fill the void he now felt.

Zeus rushed to her chambers his thoughts swirling with new purpose

He wanted to have a real discussion with Yanni. He wanted her to know he was truly sorry and he would call off the wedding, but he wanted to at least have her friendship. Other than his brothers he had no other companions he could talk and spend time with. She calmed him and her presence had always brought him profound joy.

If nothing else he wanted to have that from her, he would even consider releasing Ares if she agreed

Once he reached her rooms. He uncharastically knocked. When no response came he knocked again trying to maintain his politeness. 

Was she asleep? She was supposed to be getting dressed for their ceremony. 

Once Zeus realized that the buzz of activity that was supposed to be within was absent, he panicked and burst into the room

But it was empty and she was gone...................

Heartfelt brotherly scene.What do you think of Poseidon's advice?




thanks for Reading!!!!!

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