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Yanni quickly rushed with the clean white sheets across the grounds to her mistress room. She had requested them washed immediately and placed on her bed. Yanni was not in charge of the cleaning of linens but as her head servant, she knew who would shoulder the blame should they be late

Yanni wrestled them onto the overly large bed, keeping her head down as she always did

Unknowingly a large figure studied her voluptuous figure as she went about her chores

He watched her ample breast sway and her large derriere jiggle as she moved about the room. For many seasons he had admired her, yet had never crossed that line. He was after all married to a incredibly jealous woman.

Even though she also had wondering affections; Even though it was his right to find others to seek pleasure within

Still he abstained simply for two reasons

he didn't want any harm to befall her and He adored her, dare he say loved her;  just as much if not more than his wife

Just seeing her face lit up his day; chased away his stress and frustrations of his never ending duties

It was once that way with his wife but centuries had passed and it was not so any longer

All they seemed to be able to do was anger and annoy one another. The once sweet flawlessly beautiful female became a cold vindictive calculating woman

"Yanni" he called disrupting her work

She jumped startled, before facing him and bowing

He loved her submission. her show of respect. it made him feel ten feet tall although he was already as high as one could be

"How are you today?" He asked as he did every morning. And each morning her reply was the same

"I am well my lord"

He loved how she timidly addressed him; so respectful of his position

"Are the other servants giving you trouble? My wife?"

He knew that as his rumored favorite, many of the other servant women were envious and malicious toward her. His wife especially  had consistently attempted to make her life  miserable.

"All is well my lord" she lied

Zeus chuckled

"As you say" Letting her know he knew she was lying

She straightened and silently returned  to her chore

Zeus moved toward her moving close. His excitement grew at the proximity of her luscious curves against his own

Yanni jumped as she felt the heat of his chest at her back

She turned quickly backing away, prompting Zeus to follow her retreating form

Yanni's  heart began to pound with trepidation. It was not from fear, she knew him to be a rather benevolent man unless severely provoked. many servants  boasted about how he was one of the best gods to work for because of his nature

No she wasn't afraid of him what she was afraid of was his wife, Hera

She was malicious and vindictive with a insanely jealous streak.  Yannni had heard stories of the women she killed once finding out they had been with her husband

Pinned against the wall. Yanni kept her head down hoping he would think her scared and leave her be. It was wishful thinking though she knew, Zeus had been wanting her for quite a long time, she always felt his burning stare and salacious  looks; yet Yanni never gave him any attention or encouragement and he had others including his wife to occupy his mind and needs away from her

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