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(Tragic music for a tragic scene. Fair warning you may cry)

Ares bellowed in anger and sorrow as he held Yanni's lifeless body in his arms. He pulled her close burying his head in her neck. Unfamiliar tears leaked and streamed forth from his battle hardened face.

He shook with the force of his grief

He payed no attention to any others around as he continued holding her refusing for even a second to let go

Zeus and the other remaining god and goddesses approached the scene watching in awe and shock as Ares the great god of war mourned over a mortal

Hephaestus realizing what he had done attempted to flee but was instantly caught by Zeus. He glared down at the man he had once held great respect for. He did not need to ask to know what he had done it was evident in his guilt stricken face

He shot his lighting forth and split him apart where he stood in a mere instant; he was no more

The battle was over and they had prevailed but Ares felt no victory

He felt that despite winning he had lost what was most important

His love


3 days later

Ares sat in his bathing chambers alone drinking as he had done vigorously every night since Yanni was stolen from him

His eyes were shadowed and bloodshot. Despite lounging in the warm water, he was certain he smelled awful since he refused to allow anyone other than Yanni to wash him and he cared little to did it himself. Yanni's lifeless body kept relaying in his head like a song he couldn't stop hearing

He blamed himself for her death. For it all

If he had never had an affair with Aphrodite then Hephaestus would never had attempted to kill him in his own grief stricken rage

If he had never loved Yanni she would not have loved him back, sacrificing herself to save him

Regret and sorrow. remorse and sadness. Drink, cry, repeat.  it was like a cycle of self condemnation he could not pull himself out of

A man abruptly appeared inside his chambers  Ares noticed  but spared him no glace as he yelled for more drink

Hermes crouched beside the water staring at Ares waiting for his acknowledgment. When it was clear that he would receive none, he sighed heavily 


 "I am uninterested in whatever you have come to say, so leave" he hissed irritably

Hermes sighed again

"Ares i am your friend. i know you are angry a-"

"No! you know nothing! You have never loved another in all your long years. You haven't an inkling of how i feel"  he growled 

Hermes shut his mouth. Long seconds passed as a servant came and refilled his pitcher for the 8th time that morning. Once she was gone Hermes spoke again

"Listen. I do not know what it is like to lose a beloved but she is nevertheless gone. At peace in the underworld. You however are still alive and have a kingdom to run. Y-"

"Underworld!" Ares shouted surprising Hermes as he jumped from the water

Ares hurriedly dressed, his mind spinning with possibilities

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Hermes asked following him as he dressed

"To Zeus"

Hermes stood perplexed by the sudden hopeful smile on Ares face

"To do what my friend?"

"Get my love back" he said as he disappeared


Ares marched up to Zeus who sat on his throne, his posture were as if he expected Ares' arrival

"Bring her back!!" he demanded not bothering to bow or ask politely

Zeus blinked then twisted his face in annoyance at his ever so insolent son

"Bring who back?"

"You know very well who! Yanni!!"

Zeus smirked and "why would i do that?"

"Because...... you love her too"

Zeus' face fell, a sad glint flickered in his eyes before it was quickly gone

He scrubbed at his beard in deep thought

Athena's face flashed in his mind and his heart gave a painful thud, She couldn't be saved but Yanni..... He could bring her back, except if he did he wanted her for himself. Zeus contemplated how to make that happen 

"I can do that"

Ares grinned widely, happiness filling him for the first time in days

"Under one condition" Zeus added

Immediate trepidation filled Ares knowing his father would likely expect something he would be unwilling to give. But Yanni being alive once again was all that mattered to him. He would do anything and endure anything,  just as long she was alive and well again

"Which is?" he snarled gritting his teeth

"You go willingly into imprisonment

 for all time"...................

Stay tuned!! Hera's schemes has yet to be uncovered




Thanks for reading!!!!!!!

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