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Aries awoke the next day as always, alone. She could never allow her husband to spend a night without her presence. He thought bitterly

Aries stalked to his bath area unconcerned by his nudity; he submerged himself into the water hoping to wash away the self loathing that had begun to seep into his skin like poison

She was like poison. he felt used, dirty and sickly

She did not come to say anything to him about her supposed plans to be together. She came only for one purpose. To recapture his devotion and he fed straight into it

With a frustrated growl Aries submerged himself completely into the heated water. When he reemerged pushing his water soaked tresses back, his servants were just arriving

His gaze zeroed immediately on the dark skinned woman carrying his daily tray of fruit and drink. He greedily drank up the sight of her as she neared

The others reached for a cloth and moved to began washing him but he gripped their wrist quickly stilling their movements

"NO. She shall bathe me today" he snapped

Yanni snapped her eyes at him a pleading tone in their blue depth, which he ignored

"BATHE ME!" He demanded making her jump at the boom in his tone

She quickly placed the tray down and took up a cloth as Aries dismissed the other two servants. He only wanted Yanni currently in his presence

She began at his shoulders, Wiping timidly. Her breaths seemed heavy as she scrubbed at his skin

Was she nervous? Afraid?

"Why have you come here Yanni?"

She looked startled that he was talking to her. Or perhaps that he knew her name. Aries chuckled inwardly this was his domain didn't she realize that he knew all

"I was sent here by Zeus to serve you my lord"

Her answer was clearly meant to be vague as if he did not already know this

"Why" he demanded

"I..He..Hera disliked me" She admitted as her hands moved down to his arms

Aries snorted knowing exactly what she meant. His mother was notorious for her jealousy. She was full to the brim with scorn for most women especially the ones who could catch my fathers eye

Looking at Yanni he knew she likely did. How could she not. If he did not know for certain she was a mortal i would think her a goddess. she certainly could be so astonishing was her beauty

She continued her scrubbing meticulously as he watched her with a predatory fixation

Suddenly Aries captured her hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing her fingers slowly

She gasped and tried to snatch it away but Aries held it tight to his mouth

He licked eagerly at her fingers then, noting the way her breasts began to heave and her nipples hardened. He wished he was licking a more intimate part of her instead

Abruptly He pulled her to him. She yelped as she fell into the water atop his broad slippery chest

Aries wasted no time capturing her sweet plump lips, He ate greedily at them. devouring and savoring her. She tasted of everything he desired. His sin and salvation

She remained immobile against his onslaught. But he was determined to make her surrender. Just like with every battle he fought he would eventually win. And he did when she finally gave in and slid her hands into his wet hair

She gripped it like a lifeline and opened for his further. Aries loved every moment of her hands on him her lips drinking in his own

Ares let out a lusty groan into her mouth bringing his own hands to cup her full bottom

He squeezed and pressed her closer against his throbbing erection. She felt so exquisite in his arms Aries never wanted her to let her go

He wanted to have her, Needed to have her. Ares moved his seeking had around to her core that he was sure was glistening wet and not from the water. His mouth salivated to touch and taste her below

"O... I apologize my lord" Klavuis said causing Yanni to jump away from him and flee the room quickly; water sloshing off her as she ran

Ares growled in anger turning his rage on Klavius. His eyes widened and he stepped back as Ares rushed toward him

Klavius knelt quickly in subservience

"Your Sister Athena is here my lord. She has requested to see you urgently" he said hurriedly still kneeling

Ares stopped glaring down at him wanting badly to lash out at him for interrupting. He didn't give a shit that Athena was here. He wasn't her servant for her to be summoning.

Instead of punishing the man and ignoring the summons, He simply dressed and left to take his fury out on the person who interrupted him. She was always a great recipient for his anger.

Besides the sooner she left the sooner he could chase down Yanni and finish what he started..........

Things are heating up for Yanni but will it last? Ya'll know i gotta bring the drama




Thanks for Reading!!!

Falling for War (BWWM-MYTHOLOGY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin