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(Yanni in pic)

The next day Yanni was summoned just as she suspected. She rushed to the throne room and bowed before Zeus who smiled at her with his charming grin and flowing silver white tresses. Zeus had a timeless look about him which constantly made you question just how old he truly was

The solemn look on his face made Yanni worry for her life. She didn't want to die..... Again. and be sent to the underworld for eternity .

"Yanni" His booming voice began

 "You have served us well these past few centuries, however it is now time you be moved... to a new owner"

"The god of war"

Yanni swallowed  her gasp as she allowed his words to sink in. Aries was known as a vile man, she didn't want to fear for her new life each day she had to work although perhaps death was easier.

"Y....Yes my Lord." She said stoically as trained

Zeus didn't speak further as he looked down at her, his face stoic but his heart saddened. He told himself it would only be for a short time. That he would bring her back when the time was right, and then she would be his new queen; Hera be damned

Hera sat beside him staring haughtily the entire time with a satisfied smirk on her face, which did not go unnoticed by him. The glum expression on his Yanni's sweet face tore into his heart. Zeus wondered how satisfied her smile would be when Yanni finally took her place by his side. All the plans were already in motion. It was simply time he waited for

Yanni appreciated the warm smile Zeus offered her; even though inwardly it did little to calm the doom that encompassed her. Still she smiled back just before she disappeared ; sent to a new realm

Where the god was as violate and cruel as her newfound fate would be


Arriving in The realm of the god of war was exactly like she expected. It was dark and hard. Fitting for such a notoriously cold hardened male

She walked up to the enormous white stone wall that she stood in front of her looking around. She wasn't sure if someone was supposed to be waiting for her or she should knock. After a long moment of debating she settled on knocking. The cold bite of the night wind sent chills across her skin. Her heart raced with fear but she raised her hand anyway

Knocking three times she waited

The doors slid open slowly; the heavy stone vibrating the floor with its hefty weight

Yanni walked inside hesitantly,  she was expecting someone to greet her, immediately show her what her duties would be

Instead there was nothing but silence. Yanni did not even see any other servants  around working

She walked in further looking around for signs of life. A noise nearby caught her attention. She sighed in relief and rushed toward the sound

Startled she gaped as she watched Aries the god of war himself plowing into  a woman on a  large table. She moaned and screamed as he fucked her. Yanni was even more astonished to notice the woman bent over out for him was none other the Aphrodite

Well it looked like the rumors were true, she thought bitterly

Yanni wanted to run away from the scene but the pleasurable faces and grunts he was making stilled her. She was mesmerized by his nude form, The flexing muscles in his back as he moved inside her. She felt a heated flush spread through her body

Having seen enough and feeling  a twinge of jealousy flash through her had Yanni turning  and bolting from the uncomfortable scene quickly;  trying to forget what she had seen

Aphrodite was married. why was he doing this? But Yanni  already knew the answer to that. She was the most beautiful goddess. Her milky flawless skin looked like golden silk and her strawberry blonde hair that he had in a death grip as he drilled  into her from behind looked soft and luxurious

The more Yanni thought on it she could see his attraction yet that was all surface, Aphrodite was one of the worst goddess to work for. Rumors said she used and beat her servants. She was spiteful nasty rude selfish and the worst of all extremely  jealous just like Hera. As if everyone she decided she liked was suddenly her property until she no longer wanted them

She hated it when a man paid her no attention to rejected her. She always have to be desired by everyone. As the goddess of beauty she thrived on it

Yanni stopped to catch her breath when she felt she had ran far enough. A male servant appeared then, carrying a silver  tray of fruits. He looked at her startled,  taking in her disheveled hair and sweaty face

"Are you alright miss?"

"I...Im the new servant"

Recognition washed across his face

"O your Zeus'  transfer"

Yanni nodded

"I apologize we all were made aware of your arrival, but it has been so dreary and dead around here everyone must have forgotten"


Yanni followed the man noting that what he said must've been true, There were hardly no one around. She wondered why

"Why is there no one around? Where are all the servants and subjects?"

"The subjects stay within their chambers unless mealtimes. They are as moody as Aries always is as far as the servant go....well we never are able to retain many. Aries...Is extremely..... difficult to work for or be around. Most times his temper is......"

He didn't have to finish Yanni knew. Whispers spoke of how he killed people often when in his bad moods

Aries especially hated mortals. It was one of the reasons him and his father Zeus nerve got along. Zeus loved his worshiping mortals.

They arrived in a cooking area that had a few servants working. It was as crude as everything else she had seen in this kingdom. Completely different than Zeus' realm. Like night and day. Zeus had golden warm sunlight that would filter in through the bright open doorways. The floors and wall glistened with pristine white marble and gleamed gold with its furnishings

Aries lands were harsh and cold. The floors dark as night and the stone walls were all  crudely carved into archways. The furnishing were all Iron and where as dull as the dimly lit halls that were lined with torches

Everything looked downright primitive But it was obvious  Aries would never  have something so grandeur or fancy, He was a primal male who liked simplicity and functionality. He didn't have need or care  for such things

"You will cook and serve Aries subjects."

 Yanni's eyes grew wide. Did his subjects include him? Her palms began to sweat. She didn't want to be anywhere near him

 "Don't worry you will not have to serve him. He has personal servants for that"

Yanni's relief was palpable. she admired and desired  the man, but did not want to be anywhere near him. He was a dangerous man her crush was just that a crush she never had any expectation about making it more

"Well go on now. Come to me if you have any questions or issues.  My name is Klavius."

"I'm Yanni"

He smiled at her before departing

Yanni looked around, introduced herself to the rest of the servants and began getting to work

This was now her life and she would have to make the best of it

Next Yanni officially meets the God of War




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