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(Aria's POV)

"I won't tell you twice."

"You haven't told me once."

"Yes, I f*cking did."

"No, you f*cking didn't."

"Aria, I'm going to count to three."

"Ooohhh, I'm so scared."


I stuck my tongue out at him.


I saw the predatory look in his eyes and prepared to run.


I didn't get far.

I was pinned to the bed on my back within seconds and all I could do was giggle.

Ryu and I flew back to Tokyo the day after I saw that text message. When Juliet and I got back home Vince was standing outside waiting for her and Ryu was still inside.

When I saw him, he was sitting on the couch smoking a cigarette. I didn't say a word as I dropped my shopping bags, kicked my shoes off, and ran over to him. I crawled into his lap and held onto him tightly. I knew I probably hurt him because of his injuries, but he didn't say anything. He just finished his cigarette and let me sit there.

He knew that I knew about the reward. He promised that we'd be fine and I believe him.

When we got back Nakamura's men came looking for us. The ones that don't know that Ryu is Akuma. The oblivious ones. Everyone that knew was dead. Only us and the Bianchis know.

Ryu never told Nakamura that we were going to the states. That's why Tanaka has called him and told him Ryu was starting to cause a stir. To everyone else, Ryu and I went away to spend time together. They know Ryu is a private man who doesn't talk much or have friends, so they didn't think anything of it. 

They came to us to inform us that Nakamura was dead. Like we didn't know. We pretended to be oblivious and acted shocked and heartbroken. Well I did, Mr. Sociopath didn't change or act any differently.

We also found out who took over for Nakamura. His nephew did. His nephew lived in another part of the country, but came to Tokyo when he heard the news. He wasted no time taking over control and he's the one who put out the reward. Of course every other family offered to chip in some money for it, so it was more like a joint effort.

Since then, Yori, Nakamura's nephew has been giving Ryu little jobs to do here and there. It's completely ridiculous considering most of them relate to the hunt for Akuma. Yori and Ryu didn't get along at first. Ryu put a knife to his neck the first time they met and made sure that Yori knew that Ryu wasnt his errand boy or belong to him in any way.

Yori tried to act tough and act like a boss by ordering some men to restrain Ryu. That didn't work out to well. Ryu gave the other men one look and they backed down. Yori learned at that moment what not to do.

Ryu and I went back to visit Yukio. He even took Ryu's stitches out. He wasn't made that we left without saying a word. He was just happy that we were okay and he appreciated the money Ryu gave him.

I figured that Ryu would want to move back into his apartment permanently, but he didn't. We stayed there for three days max. I had been sitting on the couch when he walked in and threw his phone in my lap. He told me to pick one and then went to take shower. I looked at his phone to see pictures of houses.

I spent two days picking one that I liked and then he bought it. He said I could pick anything as long as it had a basement. I didn't have to ask why. He wanted a basement to turn into a gun area, so he'd have to leave the house as little as possible. Naturally, I picked the house with the biggest basement.

Vince told us before we left New York to text him our address and that him and Juliet would visit some time. Ryu said no, but I sent our house address to her the second Ryu told me he bought it.

This earned me a glare from Ryu when a housewarming gift arrived on our doorstep from Vince and Juliet days later.

I get nervous when we leave the house to go shopping. I get nervous because everywhere you look you can see signs or something indicating the hunt for Akuma. People who aren't involved with our world ignore the signs because they don't understand them since the signs are written in different types of codes.

Ryu assures me that we're fine and I believe him, but I still get nervous. I believe him, my nerves don't.

He says we're safe, but I know he often sleeps with one hand gripping a knife under his pillow. I also know that he has hidden knives all around the house, so that just about everywhere you stand you can reach one or two.

It's our new normal now and I'm okay with it.


Because I have him and I don't ever plan on going anywhere without him. He's my soulmate. He's my lover. He's my best friend. He's my Akuma.

My Akuma (Book One of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя