十一 (Eleven)

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(Ryu's POV)

As soon as the man went back inside I dropped down behind Naomi. I spun her around, put my knife to her neck, and pinned her to the wall in the corner.

She chuckled. "Good to see you too, Ryu. You're looking good."

"Who'd you sell Aria to?" I asked.

"Straight to the point, I like it." She said.

"Tell me." I demanded, digging my knife in deep enough to draw blood.

She gave a wicked grin as she reached up and pulled my shirt collar down a bit. She pulled it down enough so that my tattoo was visible. The one that gave me away to anyone who knew.

"You continue to surprise me, Ryu. Or would you rather be called Akuma? Maybe Myūto? I never understood that one, but it makes sense. When you're not conducting.....business, you're completely silent. You're not much of a talker or people person."

"Yet you can't seem to shut up." I growled.

"I'm surprised you left her side. How is she? All healed? I heard they did a number on her."

"Five seconds to tell me what I want to know." I said.

"You are very bossy."


"I see why my daughter likes you."


"You won't kill me. I'm the only one with answers."


"They've probably already found her again."


That's when fear started showing through her eyes.


"One." I said before plunging my knife into her neck.

I let her drop to the ground as I picked up her cellphone and went inside. The four men sitting in the room were very shocked to see me. They were more shocked to see the blood dripping off my knife and onto the floor.

It didn't matter though. They were dead before they could do anything.

I was going through everything in the room when Naomi's phone went off.

Found her. She's alone.

My blood began to boil and I was livid. I quickly grabbed what I had found before I took off.

I'd made it home to find the door busted open and blood right inside on the floor.

My heart sank.

I walked further into the apartment and the rest of what I saw had me so much more than livid.

I saw red and, at that moment, I turned bloodthirsty. Bloodthirsty for whoever was involved and for whoever put laid a hand on my woman.

(Aria's POV)

I was sitting on the couch eating the food I'd ordered. Since Ryu was running late, I decided to order takeout and watch a movie.

I was halfway through my food when there was a knock at the door. I walked over and checked the peephole. It wasn't someone I knew so I didn't say anything and went back to the couch.

That's where I was when the glass shattered to my left. That's where I was when a man came flying through the window.

"You weren't that hard to find." The man said, quickly approaching me.

I stood up and ran towards the front door. That's when the door busted open and another man came in.

So I took off towards the kitchen. I was halfway there when one man caused me trip. My head hit the floor and I started crawling to get away.

"Stupid bitch. Come back here." One man said.

He grabbed me by the hair and yanked me up. He threw me against the counter as I struggled to get free.

"We don't want to hurt you, but we will. How about you make it easy on us." The man growled.

"F*ck you." I hissed, using my entire body weight to push him away. He stumbled back a bit but it was enough for me to get leverage. I rounded the counter and grabbed the nearest thing to my hands. It turned out to be a coffee mug.

I smashed it over the first guys head as the second guy charged at me. As he rounded the counter, I grabbed the next nearest object which was a pair of chopsticks. When he got close enough, I aimed at him with the chopsticks and got him arm.

By then the other guy had regained his composure. Seconds later, I was thrown into the table. Being that the table was glass, it shattered on impact.

I got up as shards of glass cut my skin. That's the moment I regretted wearing nothing but one of Ryu's sweatshirts and a pair of panties.

"You're such a f*cking pain in the ass." Guy number two yelled as he pulled the chopsticks out of his arm.

F*ck off."

"Such a potty mouth for such a pretty girl."

I flipped him off just as he charged at me. I ducked underneath his arm and took off towards the bedroom.

I didn't get far before I was thrown back down onto the broken table. I looked up at the two men through my hair as it covered my face.

"We haven't got all night. Your mother is expecting you."

"F*ck you."

"Is that all you can say?" He said as he reached down to grab my hair. As he did, I picked up a piece of glass and wiped it towards his hand.

Luckily, it caught his wrist.

"F*cking shit. You stupid bitch." He said, grabbing my hair still and bringing his knee right into my face.

My nose started bleeding instantly.

The second guy moved fast and lifted me up off the ground. He slung me over his shoulder and moved towards the front door.

That was his mistake.

I still had the glass in my hand.

I jammed it into his side, between his ribs like Ryu had taught me. Then man dropped to the ground. Dead.

The one guy left, with his wrist now wrapped with a towel, saw what I did to his friend and got ever more pissed.

At that moment, he pulled out his gun. "I told you to make it easy."

"F*ck. You." I spat.

Driving to risk it all, I charged at him the same time he went to pull the trigger, hoping that I would make it through to see Ryu again.

My Akuma (Book One of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz