三十一 (Thirty-One)

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No joke...

I had this written and then accidentally deleted it.

I've never been more angry with myself.



(Ryu's POV)

I had my head down as I looked at where I knew my wound was at. It had stopped bleeding hours ago. I think.

The two morons hadn't been back in hours. Could've been days actually. I'm not sure.

I didn't even bother to look up when the door opened.

"There he is!" Tanaka said.

I raised my head up to see the two morons, Kana, and about fifteen other men enter the room.

"Why didn't you tell me we were having a party?" I asked as Nakamura walked over to me. "Bring them to show me off like some trophy?"

"Shut up." He said grabbing my face.

At that moment, I made an executive decision and headbutted him. I busted him nose and that made him angry.

He moved it hand towards my abdomen before digging two fingers inside the cut he gave me causing it to bleed again. Then he punched me in the mouth.

Blood in my mouth was something I was getting used to. Like usual, I just spit it out.

"Kana, get him down." Nakamura ordered, stepping away from me.

Kana came over and injected something into my neck. It didn't knock me out like last time, but it did make me immobile.

Him and another guy than hauled me off to some other room. This room was large and had a cage in the center of it. Inside the cage were three men who looked pissed.

Kana threw me in after giving me a second shot. This one reversed what the first one did. I'm pretty sure it was a shot of adrenaline.

I stood up and stretched. My bones, muscles, and joints popped and cracked as I did so.

The two morons and everyone else gathered along the sides of the cage.

"I've never been to a party like this before." I said, leaning against the side of the cage.

"Those three men inside there with you have been given orders to kill you. If you want to live then you have to fight and kill them first." Nakamura explained.

I looked at Tanaka and grinned. "This was your idea, wasn't it?" 

"Our guests are here to see what you can do. If they like what they see then they'll be paying for you to train some of their men."

"And if I decide to just let these men kill me?" I asked.

"You could, but then what would happen to Aria? I have some men watching her as we speak. If you refuse to do this or decide to let them kill you then my men will pick her up and bring her to me. I might kill her or I might have some fun with her. You choice. What will it be?"

My eyes narrowed into slits as I turned back towards the three men. I cracked my neck and my knuckles before nodding at them.

Within five minutes they were all dead on the ground. All it cost me was more bleeding from my wound and some busted knuckles.

The people outside the cage began whispering and throwing out dollar amounts. While the morons were busy with them, I turned my back towards them.

I gritted my teeth as I stuck two fingers inside my wound and dug around. When I found what I was looking for, I pulled it out and stuck it in my mouth.

"Kana, go fetch him." Tanaka ordered.

Once Kana got me out of the cage some of the...spectators came rushing over. They began to poke and prod me like I was a prize winning cattle.

They started rambling about my muscle mass and body fat percentage. They started asking more questions about my training and my father.

"If he is to train men for us, shouldn't you patch up his wounds?" One man asked looking at my cut.

It looked worse since I'd dug around in it for a minute.

Why did I do that?

Because when Nakamura stabbed me and I twisted away as he pulled it out, the top piece of his knife broke off and he was to stupid to realize it. I knew by looking at his knife that it was cheap and would easily break with enough force. I also knew that I could use that small piece to get myself free.

"Of course. We will get right on that. Kana take him back to his....room."

"Kana," I said softly as he strung me back up.


"He really got people watching her?"

"Yeah. They've been there since yesterday. They've reported that Bianchi and his family have been visiting. We're thinking that they're all looking for you." He said going for the bucket of water.

"Does anyone out there know who I am?"

"You mean Akuma? No, they didn't tell them. However, they did tell some people. I think the people they told are coming over tonight to see you. I think they're surviving family members of some of the people you killed way back when." He said as the two morons walked in.

"So far we've made fifty million dollars." Tanaka said grinning from ear to ear.

"Woo." I said rolling my eyes.

"We have more people coming to see you tonight. They've paid in advance." Nakamura smirked.

Before they could get out the door, I spoke.

"Thought you were going to patch me up." I said knowing it was a lie.

"We will late tonight after our guests leave. You may get a few more cuts and bruises between now and then." He smirked.

I waited until I knew they were gone before I got to work. I pulled myself up until my mouth was at level with my hands. I popped the piece of knife into my hand and dropped back down for a breather.

Now came the tricky and slightly painful part. I had to do my best since it was pitch black in the room. Luckily for me, my father spent two months training me to fight in the complete darkness.

Anyway, I knew that if I was able to make my hand smaller then I could slip from the chains. That being said, I used the knife to cut my hand open. Once I made sure my hand was completely covered with blood, I used all my strength to dislocate my thumb. That being done and with my blood as a lubricant, my hand easily slipped free.

My other hand slipped out and I fell to the ground. I hadn't done that earlier because the chains were to tight. They weren't as tight this time because while Kana strung me back up, I distracted him by asking him questions. It was a known fact that Kana couldn't focus on more than one thing at a time. I used that to my advantage.

After sitting on the floor for five minutes I walked over to the door. I expected it to be locked....

But it wasn't.

I gripped the handle in my hand and smirked.

"You want Akuma? I'll give him to you."

My Akuma (Book One of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Where stories live. Discover now