十四 (Fourteen)

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(Aria's POV)

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was only a little bit after two. We hadn't been asleep for very long. I rolled over but found that Ryu's spot was empty. That's when I heard the shower. 

I walked into the bathroom and there he was. He was standing in the shower with his hands pressed against the wall and his head bowed.

I walked up behind him, not caring about the clothes I was wearing, and placed my hands on his shoulders. He flinched but just enough for me notice. I moved into him and rested my cheek on his back, hands sliding down his arms to settle in the crook of his elbows.

His breathing was heavy. Heartbeat erratic. Body tense. He had had a nightmare.

"How bad this time?" I whispered.


An eleven on a scale of one to ten.

"Want to talk about it?"


I remained quiet then. We stood like that for several minutes, neither of us saying anything until his head lifted.

He slowly turned around, grabbed my ass and lifted me up. My arms hooked his neck as my back hit the tiled wall.

Then his mouth was on me. He made quick work of getting rid of the shirt and panties I wore. Then with his hard body pinning me to the wall, mouth on mine, my wet hair bunched in his hand, he tilted my head to the side to position me where he wanted.

I could feel his cock pressed against my thigh.

"Need inside you," he groaned just before he guided his cock to me.

He slid the tip through my wetness.

"F*ck, I love that." He groaned.

I closed my eyes as he slid inside of me. "Oh, f*ck. Yes."

He tilted his hips and sank deeper. He kissed me again as he began to move.

There was nothing gentle about it. Nothing. It was rough, raw, and real.

All of his control vanished as I gripped his hair and he thrust into me over and over again. His deep growls vibrated against my skin as he nipped, bit, and licked. Then a sudden burst exploded and my body jerked.

"Oh, f*ck. Oh, f*ck," I cried, my thighs tightening and my hands pulling at his hair as I came hard and fast.

He wasn't far behind me and came after two more thrusts. Then we both stilled, panting, our bodies soaked and throbbing. He pulled out and I felt the remnants of him dripping down my inner thighs.

He moved us around so I was under the water more and gently ran his hand down my inner thigh to wash me. Afterwards, we went back to bed.

I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. I opened my eyes after a while and saw him standing against the wall by the small window smoking a cigarette. His eyes were on me.

"You should sleep." I told him softly.

He remained silent. His nightmares always made him this way. They made him retreat into his own head more than usual. They took him back to when he was younger.

It was also at thee times when his temper was uncontrollable. He could snap at anything. No warning. No way to stop it.

"Come lay down." I said patting the bed.

He kept quiet as he put out his cigarette and walked over. I moved over as he sat down. He sat with his back against the headboard and the sheets covering his lap. I then laid my head on his lap.

"Our flight leaves in six hours." I said after a little bit.

"I know." He mumbled.

"Do you think Yukio is upset that we left without saying goodbye?"

"I left him a note."

"That doesn't really count, Ryu. If you ever did that to me, I'd kick your ass."

That got me a small smirk. Just a small one though.

"What? You don't think I could kick your ass?"

He shrugged.

I sat up and got close to his face. "Want to give it a go right now?"

In seconds, I was on my back with him over top of me and a knife pressed to my neck.

"That's not fair." I grumbled. "It's against the rules."

He put his knife on the nightstand and kissed me.

"There are no rules, Koneko. Not in my world. Not against me."

I quickly rolled us over so that I was straddling his waist and had his arms pinned to his sides. I wasn't stupid though, I knew he let me do that. I stared down at him.

He'd always been beautiful. To me, he was beautiful inside and out. He was also lethal.

He didn't need anyone. He didn't want anyone. Except me.

After all these years, after all he'd done, I was the one he wanted. I never took that for granted and never would.

"What are you thinking so hard about?"

"How you don't need anyone and don't want anyone."

"I need you."

"I know. I'm the exception. Without me, you'd mostly definitely be diagnosed a psychopath and sociopath and not just borderline." I teased.

He sat up so we were chest to chest.

"Maybe I am. Maybe you're just my obsession."

"I'm okay with that as long as you never leave me." I said kissing his nose.

"I'm more worried about you leaving me." He admitted.

"Never ever. I've been glued to your side since I was four years old. I'm not going to stop now. I've seen what you can do. I've seen who you really are. I still love you and always will. Your crazy matches my crazy. It has ever since we were kids."

We never went to sleep that night. We laid awake until it was time to leave for the airport.

I stared at him as we boarded the plane with one thought on my mind.

The Ryu that was boarding the plane wasn't the one that I'd have in New York.

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