十六 (Sixteen)

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This song ⬆️⬆️ is by far my favorite on the album! Now if only I had a live stage performance.........🤔🤤🥺😭


-B. 🥴😊🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

(Ryu's POV)

I flicked my cigarette onto the ground as I walked around the docks. I hadn't seen a single person the entire time I was there.

Then I turned the corner to see seven men standing in front of a cargo container. Three of them were heavily armed.  The other four were not.

I was about ten feet away from them when I was spotted.

"Who the f*ck are you?" One asked.

"あなたは誰?" I asked, knowing they probably didn't understand me.
(Who are you?)

"You speak English, f*cktard?" The guy asked.

I ignored him and did my best to catch a glimpse of what was in the cargo container. I caught the tiniest glimpse and saw a foot. It looked to be a females foot.

That's when the guy pushed me.

"Leave before I shoot you and dump your body in the water." He said, pointing his gun at me.

I sighed as I looked down at his gun.

(Now why did you have to go and do something like that?)

I grabbed his gun from his hand and cracked him in the head with it. He went out down and his friends came at me.

A minute or so later only one of them was alive.

"You going to tell me what I want to know or are you going to end up like your friends?" I asked, my knife to his neck.

"I don't know nothing."

I moved my knife down and quickly sliced off a finger. He screamed in pain.

"You got nine for chances. Nineteen if you count your toes."

"F*ck you."

"Okay then." I said slicing off another.

"Motherf*cker!" He screamed.

"Last chance."

"Okay, okay."

I pulled out Naomi's picture and held it in front of him. "Know this woman?"

"Yeah. She came to us and wanted us to move something for her. She wanted us to make sure no one found it expect the person who was sent to pick it up."

"Do you know what was inside?"

"No, but it was a large box with hole drilled into it and live animals printed on the side. We just guessed it was an animal or some shit."

"Who picked it up?"

"We don't know. We were told to watch it from a distance. Ten men showed up with a truck and got it. They wore masks."

"How'd you contact them? How'd you tell them that it had arrived?"

He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a phone. A burner phone.

"Only one number programmed. We were told to send a text. Didn't get a reply though."

"Anything else you'd like to share?"

My Akuma (Book One of The Yakuza Series) (✔️)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat