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O' Christmas Tree

       They typically set it up in the far right corner of the room; the Christmas tree, of course. It makes the air smell of pine and tends to leave the little needles all over the floor, causing them to stick to Niall's socks. The blond hops around to avoid stepping on the things, which Liam has become quite fond of watching.

       First, they string the lights, letting the blues and greens and reds illuminate the small cabin and cast a glow on Niall's happy face. Next are the ornaments, which the boys have collected over the years. Some are just regular store bought decorations, but others have special meanings. They come from different places, all over the world, where the boys have created memories that no camera can capture on it's own.

       It's a pleasant thing; setting up a Christmas tree and then sitting back to marvel at what you have just done. Niall and Liam are very respectful towards this tradition, making sure that everything is perfect before they sit down to watch yet another cheesy holiday film on the telly.

        And, even as it gets late and Liam is stressing the possibility of a fire, his boyfriend downright begs for the Christmas tree to stay plugged up. The blond mumbles about "seeing the lights for just a little bit longer," and then, all at once, he's alseep.

       Liam just chuckles and throws a blanket over Niall, making sure the smaller lad is tucked in properly, before he unplugs the tree and let's the moon be his only source of illumination as he stumbles back to the couch. He'll cuddle close to Niall, whisper about how much he loves him and about how he hopes them to be together for the rest of eternity. Or, until his heart gives out— whichever comes first.

       And, even though Niall is sleeping, he knows that every spoken word is true.

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