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Starry Nights

       When the weekly concerts are finally over and the meetings in the studio can be put off for another rainy day, Liam quite likes taking Niall on romantic walks around the city of London, late at night, so they can admire the brilliant lights that line the streets. They walk, hand in hand, and just look around, not at all minding the comfortable silence that seems to fall over them.

       Unfortunately, it's always absolutely freezing outside when they do this, but Niall tries his best not to complain about it.

       The boys's breath can be seen in the night air, white and thick as they exhale. It reminds Niall of when he was a child, of when he used to pretend that he was blowing away the smoke of a cigarette, which he now knows was extremely immature. Smoking is serious, not a laughing matter.

       And, despite the fact that he is wearing a jumper, one of Liam's jackets, mittens, and a scarf too, Niall can still feel the bone-chilling cold against his goosebump-covered skin. It makes him shudder and shake, but Liam likes it because it gives him an excuse to pull the blond even closer.

       They typically stop for coffee at Dunkin' Donuts on their way home. Liam chuckles as Niall plops several different creamers into his cup, stirring them together and looking mesmerized as the colors swirl together. This always ends in Niall staying awake for hours, bouncing around the house and trying to get Liam to participate in random little activities, until he passes out on the couch with a monopoly board on his lap and a PlayStation controller in his hand.

        Liam, once again, has to carry Niall to their bed and tuck him in, muttering things about how he isn't allowed to drink coffee ever again. However, he knows, deep down, that on the next starry night that they have to themselves, they'll be doing the same thing.

       And Liam smiles at the thought.

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