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Snowball Fights

Niall's never been very good at pitching things. If you give him a football (soccer ball), he's quick on his feet and exceptionally well at scoring goals, but throwing is definitely not his cup of tea.

That's why snowball fights with Liam are always so unfair.

Now, if the goal of the game was to attack the air around your opponent, Niall would be considered a pro. He always misses his boyfriend terribly, tossing the compacted snow too high, and sometimes so weakly that it just splutters pitifully on the ground.

The blond gets very annoyed at this, especially when Liam chuckles at his failed attempts. It always results in Niall storming back into the cabin with his arms crossed over his chest and his nose turned up in defiance.

Liam thinks that he favors an angry bunny rabbit when this happens.

And, later on, when they are getting ready for bed, Liam will pull his upset boyfriend in close and card fingers through his hair, whispering about how much he loves him. It takes a lot of coaxing and kisses, but the brown–eyed lad finally gets Niall to say it back, smiling in triumph as the smaller boy scolds him for being so smug.

Deep down, both of them know that they wouldn't have it any other way.

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