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Old films

When you are 2/5 of the most famous boyband in the world, you tend to get used to always being on the go and having something very interesting to do. So, when Niall and Liam spend their touring breaks in the little cabin they have come to call a second home, they have to find things to entertain themselves.

When Niall finally gets bored of staring at the snow and Liam has given up on trying to get him to play checkers, they just sit down and watch a nice film together. Their choices mostly consist of comedies or Disney films, seeing as how those are the boys' favorite movie genres.

But, every now and then, Niall will want to watch a good ol' chick flick and Liam won't complain.

They snuggle up really close on the couch with Niall tucked into Liam's side, their legs intertwined and feet propped up on the coffee table. Niall hogs all of the popcorn and laughs when Liam lets tickling fingers linger on his side, underneath the cotton material of his shirt.

When it gets late, they stay on the couch, bundled up with a couple more blankets and a couple more movies that won't be seen. Liam looms over Niall, carefully, his lips running over pale skin and leaving red marks behind. Ones that Niall will run his fingers over in the morning, smiling as Liam' arms wrap around him from behind.

The sound of the TV is just background noise for their quiet conversations that never leave the safety of the cabin. Sometimes, they talk about things that are going on with the band and how happy they are to have gotten so far, and other times they speak of the future and what they hope to happen.

They love the moments that are solely reserved for themselves, and they love each other, more than anything in the world.

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