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Rustic Firewood

      Niall doesn't really like to gather firewood. It always seems to give him splinters and scratches, not to mention the creepy little spiders that hide under the bark, which comes off so easily under his pale hands. The combination of fallacies distresses him to a crazy extent, so he usually refuses when Liam asks for help gathering the bothersome stuff.

       However, the brown–eyed lad isn't having it today. He makes his boyfriend settle with picking up some of the smaller twigs that they use to get the fire going, and he even lends the blonde his favorite gloves.

       "Liam," Niall groans, bending down to pick up another stick and folding it up under his arm with the others. "Are we almost done gathering this dumb wood?"

       "Are you almost done whining about it?" There is annoyance in the brown–eyed lad's voice and it makes Niall's blood boil.

       Why did Liam even ask him to help if he is just going to he rude about it?

        "Fine!" Niall throws down all that he has gathered, his face red. "You can get it all by yourself!"

      The blonde turns to storm off, but there is a strong hand on his shoulder holding him back. It's annoying sometimes; how Liam can just keep him in place so easily because of their size difference. It makes Niall wish he had more muscle so he could be more defiant.

       "Niall, please." It comes out quiet and vulnerable and the smaller boy all but melts back into his lover. "I'm sorry, it's just cold and I want to get back home and start the fire. The weather is getting to my head."

       It's the truth, and Niall knows it. Liam never means to snap at him— it just happens when he's stressed out.

      "Alright." The blond turns around in his boyfriend's arms and snuggles into his chest. "Let's get the wood and get back to the cabin."

       And, honestly, all that Liam really needs to keep himself warm, is Niall all wrapped up in his arms.

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