- IV - ( part 2 )

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Part 2

" Morning ~ " Sherlock kissed Red's forehead to wake her up. " Goshh Sherlock. What time is it? " She stopped and looked at the clock. It was 7 in the morning. " It was 7 in the morning. What were you thinking? Have you lost your mind? " Red said in a surprised face.

" Ohh I thought you want to wake up early as you used to. I'm sorry . I'll just go... and let you sleep again "

" No, no... its okay. I know that you always wake up late. I'm just very surprised that you woke up so early in the morning "

" I made you a breakfast. I woke up at 5 in the morning to learn how to make a special breakfast for my loved one "

" Awwww Oh my God Sherlock when did you turn into a very cheesy man? "

" I don't know. It just came naturally to me when you are around me. But I kinda struggle with it at first. We-well if you don't like it I can change "

" No, that's okay. Just do whatever that make you convenient and comfortable. I love you just the way you are " she blushed.

After their small and romantic breakfast, they started to do a DNA test from the blood Red got after stabbing that man's leg. It turns out that that guy was somehow related to Moriarty. It makes more sense now. But why did Moriarty wanted to kill them? What did they do so wrong? The facts didn't show anything that relate them to Jamie's death.

Well actually.... according to their research, Jamie was resurrected. And we obviously know who did that. Moriarty brought him back to life and as a favour, Jamie brought Moriarty back to life. Sherlock was not the only one with backup plan to prevent his death. Moriarty wrote an instruction for Jamie so he could bring him back to life after he shot his own head on that roof.

While they were thinking, Sherlock went out for a while to buy something. The room was full of wires tangled to each other. They were doing the research in the kitchen where they could get anything easily. John was away so they could do anything in the flat without anyone caring about the mess they made.

Red had suspected that the big man was Jamie. Even-though Jamie used to be a slender person, Red recognized his voice. She saw him moving in an uncomfortable gesture which showed that he was afraid. Afraid of getting caught, again. Red found something interesting on Mycroft's laptop. And you might wanna know why she was using Mycroft's laptop right? You've guessed it! She took it when she apologized to him for messing up the lobby of the governmental building. He didn't realize that he had been robbed by a smart young lady.

Anyway, she found a file of information about Jamie and Moriarty. It turned out that Moriarty was not the only criminal that Mycroft tortured in order to receive informations. It seemed like Mycroft tricked them into hating Sherlock and leaked his secrets to Moriarty. Now everything become crystal clear.

Red heard Sherlock's footsteps and ran toward the door to tell him about Jamie. Sherlock opened the door and walked toward the kitchen. " Hey Red, I bought you the candy you've been craving since our last Halloween together " Sherlock excitedly announced. As he confidently walked, his shoe stumbled on the tangled wires. He was just about 2 inches from Red. He tripped and fell while holding on Red's hand which automatically cause her to fell on Sherlock's body.

" This is awkward...." Red said.

" Yeah I don't know what happened to me. I just kept on falling. I even fall for you " he said in a deep and romantic voice.

" Hahah you even make jokes in time like this? I think we should just get up before I tell you something about Jamie "

" No! " he put his hands on Red's back, making her unable to escape. " You can tell me right now"

" Okay fine" she said. She told him everything she just found out.

" Hmm... That's interesting. By the way, do you want to eat the candy now? " he asked'

" Sure, thanks. I haven't see this candy since I left. It was still my favourite Halloween treat "

" And you are still my all-time favourite girl. I'm sorry I doubted you "

" No biggie. I'm sorry too for-"

Suddenly Sherlock pushed Red's head closer to his. " I forgive you with all my heart " he hugged her warmly. Red was enjoying the toasty sensation radiated from Sherlock's body and winter coat. And again, another distraction. John came in and saw the couple cuddling on the floor. " Oh my God! Bloody hell Sherlock " he quickly ran. " Well you could at least knock on the door first. And what are you doing here anyway? " Sherlock said. " Shut up just enjoy your whole night with her. I'll be in my room " .

They both got up and started tidying up the mess. " Hey Sherlock, do you notice that you are like a whole new person when you spoke to someone else other than me? " Red asked. " Yes I acknowledge that " Sherlock concernedly said. " Why is that so? "Red asked. " Because I could say or do anything around you without getting complaints "

" But you could never know what other people think about it "

" Well I don't care what other people think about it. All I care about is my one and only girl. It's not you by the way "

" What? Who the hell is this girl? Your new crush? Or your girlfriend? " she asked furiously.

" Hey don't need to be such a baby! I know that you are offended "

" Just answer my question dummy. I'm not offended, I'm just irritated by your answer"

" Okay... Her name was Red, she has this glorious wavy hair with perfection in every curve. It was as red as the ruby. Her cheeks were so chubby like a ball of cloud. If I got a frostbite, the only thing that could help was her toasty tight grip of affection " he said flatteringly.

" So who is this 'Red' ? And is she your girlfriend?  "

" She was standing right before me. Pouting like a charming young lady. My mademoiselle ~ " he teased. " we haven't date, but let me ask her if she would like to "

" Hmm... Okay what did she say? "

" I don't know, why don't you see your phone? "

Red checked her phone and saw a message from Sherlock. He was asking her to go on a date with him tomorrow. She answered ' maybe '. Sherlock blushed and said " I take that as a yes ". He looked her in the eye and hugged her tenderly.

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