- II - ( part 2 )

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Part 2

He was not an ignorant type of person. He used to care a lot.He used to be a shy boy with a big dream. 'No dream is too big and no dreamer is too small' He wanted to be a dragon slayer. So many people mocked him and called him names. But that didn't stop him from dream big and put efforts in reaching that goal.

His mind palace was an impact of his creative imagination. His mind was able to stack files in his mind and he could read it again and again as much as he wanted to. He put crucial informations in there as no one could take it away from him. And that's also why he was a straight A student. He dreamed about going to Harvard University and he did. He scored a perfect a score in every subject. His parents were very happy and proud to hear that.

Ever since Red left him, he tried to forget everything that reminds him of her. He tried everything including removing his memory about her in his mind palace. But he just doen't have the strength to. He started to be cold, bitter and rough but he can't be mean to Red as he usually hurt other people.

At first it was hard to forget her, but it was for the greater good. It will be hard for both of them to forget each other as they shared a lot of their memories since they were in kindergarten. They once stole Mycroft's birthday cake and they took a nap after school together. She encouraged him to do a lot of things. Such as going to college and working in the hospital. She inspired him to invent the 'Consulting Detective' title.

Red's father once told her to move to America but she refused his father's offer. He became furious so Red escaped from her house to prevent her from getting forced to leave. She didn't want to leave her one and only friend, Sherlock. They both ran away to the nearest forest. They stayed there for about 1 month with complete preparation. They were finally discovered by her father's military troop. They've been searching everywhere but they've never thought of looking in the forest. They thought that they were just a kids that were scared of the dark. But they judged them wrong.

Mycroft was a very bad brother. He always tease Sherlock and Red. He treated them as slaves. They would always escape and spent the whole day and night in their tree house. They shared a lot of things such as smile, cry, stories, food, books,etc. They couldn't stop once they start.

It was very normal if they said the same things as they thought of the same things like almost all the time. They love the same music and other stuff too. They usually study all day long and relax all night long. As they grew up, the discussion got even more serious and important. Such as science theories, hypothesis, missile launch code, ancient artifacts and other science stuff that people their age wouldn't have heard of.

They both played musical instruments. And they were a fast learner. They learned how to write and speak fluently in many languages. They were their brain capacity than most people do. They share knowledge too. They love to learn something new. They were known as the school nerd but they didn't look like those nerds that use glasses, braces and hold many stacks of books. They were kinda cool. They looked like a very smart, popular and charming student. They were very outstanding among the others.

They also enjoy silence. But they hate silent treatment even they always did that to other people. They were both a straight talker and they would say anything that pop on their mind. It sometimes did hurt people. But they just don't give a damn about it.

Those flashbacks made him look like a fool. He was smiling and snickering about those foolish memories. An adorable cute smile was plastered on his face. He missed her a lot. Unforgettable moments of their childhood was in one of their shelf in their mind palace. Albums of their funny moments. It was a time perfection.

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