- II - ( part 1 )

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Part 1

"Red? Wasn't this the case you've been working on? Some random guy solved it this morning " Logan confusedly said. " What?! That jerk! " Red angrily shouted and left the dining room. " So you are going to skip breakfast again? You haven't eaten for days now! I'm worried for you. You know that " Logan said. " I know that you are worried but I am not interested in eating anymore. That's what human usually do, but guess what " Red said. " What? " Logan said in a shocked voice. " I am not one of those normal human so just let me do my work" Red left him.

Red and Sherlock both searched for cases to solve. They solved about 100 cases per hour. They solved so much of it that people on social media suggested to make a website to discuss about this phenomena. If there was a record for extreme case solving they would have won it and beat each other to win that title. Their results were so close. Red didn't seem to care about what other people thought of her.

Sherlock used to despise emotions because it reminded him of her and he thought that it was useless and unnecessary. The girl who once ruined his life reappear to his sight like the undead from the grave in a zombie apocalypse. He started to imagine and thought of the memories they used to share together. It was a long time ago. But there was no time to think about those stuff. The flashbacks still haunt him and he felt like something whispers Red's voice saying stuff she used to said to him.

" Hey Sherlock... What were you doing for the past 12 hours? You might wanna see the newspapers and the TV. Red and you were on TV. It was like in every channel i watch. BBC, CNN, Bloom-berg, etc. People have gone crazy on the internet. I am going to write about this on my blog. I'm gonna be so famous! " John excitedly said. They both really steal they show. People put many attention and interest for the very first time. Especially in this kind of topic. People flock around Sherlock's flat and Red's mansion. People vote in the website made by a fan-girl. the fans were fighting and competing with each other.It was a very impressive explosion in the world of social networking. Everybody seemed to enjoy it.

" Oh no no no. This is messed up. People were fighting everywhere! This is so wrong. Red? Are you listening? Ughhh forget it! I'm going to sleep " Logan said. Sherlock and Red both forgot how to be a normal human. And after full 24 hours of solving cases, they solved every single case in the world but one. The Moriarty Case.

They both tried so hard and their head got so hot that you could boil water with it. They still don't have the slightest idea about this gay guy. It seems like someone that was extremely foolish just made a huge mistake of reviving the most dangerous criminal earth had ever have. But whoever did that was smart enough to revive him with a forbidden method. We just have to deal with this guy and this case will be a piece of cake. Maybe this guy froze the body while transfusing the blood. But the chance of survival was only about 10%.

" The man that hacked lot of network in London was suppose to be deceased. That gay was pretty smart to hack London's TV show. But he was a that was willing to do crime for pleasure even-though it wasn't worth a lot of things " Red said to herself. If only the would work together, they could have solved this problem by now.

And something popped in John's head. He had this brilliant yet daring idea. Suddenly Sherlock's phone rang. " Hello brother " Mycroft said. " What do you want? ". " I want to meet you now. In the usual place. Quickly please ". They met in Mycroft's office. It looks like there's going to be a serious talk.

" Promise me that you will do everything I say " Mycroft said.


" Just promise me you will ".

" Okay fine". Sherlock agreed.

" I want you to collaborate with Red on th-"

"What?! No!".

" Oh come on little brother. I know you too well. I am going to help you to be together again with Red " Mycroft suggested.

" I will never deal with her ever again. I've had enough ".

" well okay then. But you are welcome if you finally changed your mind" Mycroft left. "And by the way, this was not my idea. It was John's and I'll just leave you here to think this through " he continued.

He then left the room and locked Holmes inside. At first he was struggling but he then decided to think and let the memory of the past calm him down. He was going to his mind palace to replay his old childhood memories with Red. He started to enjoy it. He could finally think clearly and think about the pledge.

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