- III - ( part 2 )

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Part 2

" Red? What were you thinking? You wrecked the lobby of the government tower ! What if father heard about this? Why don't you just blew that building up? " Logan said in a very sarcastic voice and in a furious tone. " What? You are disappointed? Great! Why don't you just slap me? And by the way why would this thing concern you? It was none of your business! Ohh.. wait, don't tell me that you were going to have an interview to work there " Red replied angrily.

" I'm suppose to be the one angry here! It was over the limit Red. You are not a baby anymore-"

" And that's why you shouldn't be meddling in my life now! "

" Your life? what about my life? I have life too! Don't be so self-centered Red. This was a lifetime opportunity for me. They wouldn't accept me because they knew that you are my sister who just wrecked their lobby. Do you know that you have been an excruciating pain in my ass?! "

" Arghh fine! you want me to apologize? fine! I'll do it. But i won't apologize from the deepest part of my heart and that's it! I'll go straight back home after that "

" Thanks. I'll buy you ice cream after we got back if you stay and wait for me "

" What do you think I am? 13? "

" What? you don't want ice cream? That's fine by me, I'll still buy it. But just for me " he winked.

" You know me so well. I never reject ice cream" she smiled and hugged him then left the mansion.

After she apologized, they ate ice cream and got home. Red went to the public swimming pool. She was thinking about her first case where Sherlock almost died. She visited the pool with Logan because he was worried about her. It was a pretty dangerous case. Red's coat got shot. Logan was so thankful that it didn't her body.

The murderer was imprisoned for the rest of his life. He killed the whole family in the same way he did in 1990. That's how Red knew that he was the suspect. She used her mind palace to search and check if there was a match. He disguised as the pool cleaning service. She caught him when he slipped and fell into the water. He couldn't swim so the police had to help him first.

Her second case took place in her mansion. As she tried to solve another case, the killer had warned her stay out of it. After his final warning, he came to Red's mansion and tried to tie her up to make it look like a suicide. She kicked him and he fell from the third floor breaking the window and die. He used to be a drug dealer near the neighborhood.

She almost failed on her case once. He dated a jewish girl that used to be his classmate. But they never talk to each other in highschool. He forgot to say happy birthday to her because he got so many things to do. It was just their 4th month together. She threatened Red by blackmailing her everyday for months. She broke up with Logan after he saw her pure evil soul. Red told Logan about what Emily did to her but he didn't believe her. He thought that she was just an innocent girl. She and a man kept hitting Red while she lay powerless handcuffed to a metal rod.

Emily was so shocked to see Logan that night. She thought that he was away. Logan shoved her brutally out of their house after beating them. He leave the rest to the police. Red knew that Emily was her suspect and thought that it would be easier for her to catch her when she was dating Logan. But she didn't expect that Logan won't believe her at first. Logan remorse for not believing her. Emily kept sending letters from the prison for Logan. He was too furious to forgive her.

While Red was sitting and thinking of those things, she heard footsteps. She tip-toed slowly on the wet and slippery floor and got her gun ready to fire. She fired to the air when the door was wide opened. The guy that opened the door was so shocked, he slipped and accidentally bumped into Red. They both fell on the ground. " For God's sake!!! It's me! And why the hell are you here? It's the middle of the night! And this is a public pool. This was very inappropriate. What would people think? " Sherlock said.

" Oh God you scared me. But there will be no people here. It's the middle of the night. And why are you here too? "

" I can't sleep so i decided to go for a walk "

" Hahah very funny. I can't sleep too. By the way, you almost died here "

" Well at least I didn't die right? wait...you too. You were very lucky that stupid bullet didn't hit you. Maybe because you are too beautiful to be shot. Well I am that you didn't die "

" I am happy that you are still alive too. You are just too precious to die "

They were still laying on the cold pool floor. They started to compliment each and stopped for a while to gaze into each others eyes. " I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier " Sherlock said.

" I'm sorry for everything I did too "

His face got closer to her face and the surrounding suddenly turned so comfortable that they didn't want to get up from the floor. He smirked and started kissing her. They seemed to enjoy it a lot. It was their first kiss.

Then something beeped. " Oh shit.... It's a bomb! Take cover! " They got up and move as far as possible from the water. Then it exploded. Sherlock covered Red's body, preventing her to get soaked. " Who the hell put a bomb inside the water in a public pool ?! " Red said. " You should have checked it! " .

" Yeah Red it was my fault. Can we just continue what we've started a while ago? ".

Sherlock apologized and tried to comfort her before he kissed her. Again. While they were enjoying their kisses and cuddles, the door cricked and opened as wide as it could. " Oh God Sherlock, you are so cheesy. Do you guys miss me? " Moriarty said in a teasing tone with someone behind him. He was using a mask. Sherlock and Red quickly get off their hug. " Well I am absolutely wrong about no one going here in the middle of the night " Red said while her face turned as red as her name.

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