Cliché (Chapter Three)

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"Arrrgh" Stiles woke on a metal table  "what the hell?" His arms were tightly strapped down and he noticed he was in the animal clinic "Deaton! Scott!?" He shouted at the door hoping some one could hear him "sorry Stiles forgot to undo all of that" Deaton walked in the room and started untying Stiles from that table.

"Right so what do you remember?" Deaton questioned Stiles so that the poor boy was aware of his current situation that only himself and Scott knew about. "Not much. The last this I clearly remember was me and Scott in the forest then next thing I know there was this chanting in my head" Stiles rubbed his head were he now had a banging headache "ah yes that" Deaton looked at Stiles sheepishly "I think that is best explained by some one else" Stiles cocked his head and gave Deaton a questioning glance "trust me. Any way let me call Scott and Derek to get here and all will be explained." Stiles continued to stare at him "why Derek?"
"All will be explained" and then Deaton left the room leaving a very confused and startled Stiles sat on the table.


"Please leave a message after the beep" 


"Hello Derek just calling to say Stiles is awake so if you can come round the clinic to talk to him that would be great see you here. Right that's Derek done now Scott."




"Hi Deaton what's up?" Scott answered the phone
"Hi Scott, Stiles is awake now so can you come round the clinic?"
"Yep coming right over bye"
"Bye Scott"


"God that kid" Deaton laughed to himself and shook his head. "You called?" Deaton turned around to see Derek hanging by the door in his usual leather jacket, a black v-neck top and black jeans "ah yes come on through" Deaton opened the door to the back of the clinic. "Deaton what's going on!?" Stiles was having a panic attack he was sweating and he couldn't breath properly. Derek quickly came in the room and placed one hand on Stiles shoulder and the other one on his cheek "hey calm down everything's ok we'll explain it soon you just have to calm down ok? Can you do that for me?" Dereks eyes were wide open scared he hates it when Stiles is hurting. He hates it when his mate is hurting. "Y-ye I'll t-try" Stiles was comforted by the hand on his cheek and shoulder it made him feel safe but it didn't solve the panic attack.

Stiles breathed in a shaky breath "that's it and back out" Derek guided his mate. Stiles exhaled another staggered breath "and in" Derek started to gently move his thumb across Stiles cheek and he drew in another gasp of air.

They had been going on like this for a few more minutes and once it had stopped Stiles was freezing so Derek gave him his leather jacket and sat on a chair in the room. Stiles continued to shake and Deaton was to busy to notice so Derek got up and walked back to the table in the middle of the room sat down and pulled Stiles in to a warm and cosy cuddle. when Scott finally came in Derek had a sleeping teen huddled up next to him leaning on his chest. "W-what the hell!" Scott said a bit to loud "shut up Stiles is sleeping!" Derek whispered angrily tone at Scott "yeah I gathered!" Scott whispered back matching Dereks tone  "what the hell is happening?" He added "Stiles had a panic attack and calmed him down then gave him his jacket and cuddled with him to keep him warm because he was freezing cold" Deaton said in his usual soft voice "now be quiet so you don't wake him and I can tell Derek what's happening to him"
"Oh yeah I would like to know that" Derek piped up


Stiles slowly woke up and found Derek playing with his hair and..... cuddling him!? Stiles groaned he hated waking up especially when he had a super confusing conversation to attend and Derek would probably stop messing with his hair which he didn't mind at all.
Stiles has always liked Derek even though the only times he'd ever seen him was when he picked Scott up from Werewolf training or when he started running to build some muscles on his skinny build and he would purposely run passed the hale house and Dereks loft. It made his run longer and harder but is was so worth it when he saw his dark brooding self. he gave running up after 3 weeks but they were the best 3 weeks ever!

"Stiles? Are you awake?" Dereks voice was low and soothing. Who knew such man could make that noise? Stiles replied with another groan "come on we have to talk"
"Hmm 'k" Stiles slurred and sat up blinking slowly trying to gain the use of his body again. Derek laughed at the way Stiles over grown buzz cut was so messed up "come here" Derek pulled Stiles closer to him by his waist and Stiles face was dusted with a light pink. Derek messed with Stiles hair again but this time with purpose he was trying to fix it but apparently that just doesn't work so he gave up. Stiles held back a moan at the loss of contact and listened to Deaton and Derek.

"So Stiles you know the chanting you said you heard? Well it was chanting the word mate wasn't it?" Deaton questioned "yeah how did you know that?" Stiles answered quite shocked
"Because it happened in my head to" Derek piped up with a small smirk playing upon his lips and his cheeks were a cute pink Shade "so.... so that means.." Stiles looked at Derek with his wide honeycomb eyes "you? A-and me?... we're..... like....." Stiles couldn't finish his sentence he was in complete shock "we're mates Stiles" Derek said placing his hand back on Stiles waist and traced random sword and shapes. Stiles just gave Derek a huge grin before staring at his feet with a red blush covering his face.
"Yes he is. But I'm sorry the reck the mood but i think this is important." Deaton looked at Scott who was very nervous and fidgety "Errm so last night when we were in the woods you got bitten." Stiles stared at Scott a little bit broken "I-ima im a-a WereWolf?" Stiles shook and Derek pulled him in closer "not exactly" Deaton added and looked at Derek with sincerity in his eyes as he told Stiles "Stiles your a WereFox"


Boom chapter 3 complete

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I had a lot of fun wrighting this I hope you enjoy it.

-Amelia Xx

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