A Bite To Eat? (Chaper One)

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Quick A/N
If you didn't read the description I just thought I'd put the ships included in this story here for you x
•Sterek (main) Stiles x Derek
•Scackson Scott x Jackson
•Allisaac Allison x Isaac
•Marrish Lydia x Jordan
•Maria Malia x Kira
•Berica Boyd x Ereica


"SCOTT. S-Scott" Stiles fell to the floor his eyelids heavy on his whiskey coloured eyes.
"STILES! Stiles, come on Stiles stay with me, stay with me Stiles"It was like a whisper in the darkness "Scott" Stiles groaned in pain and passed out.

When Stiles slowly came back around it was almost midnight and he was in the arms of a muscular man which Stiles wouldn't mind if he knew who's muscular arms he were in. "Stiles it's ok I'm taking you to the animal clinic. " His voice was very familiar and definitely not Scott so that didn't help but he couldn't stay awake he was tired and soon passed out again.


"Aaaggggrrr" there was a loud scream not far from where I was running so I tracked the persons heart beat.

"SCOTT..." I heared another yell for help but it quickly lost its volume so I  broke into a fast run in the direction of the slowing heart beat until he found Scott McCall a werewolf that got turned a year or so ago.

I taught Scott the ropes when he got turned so he wouldn't try to eat his best friend every full moon and in 3 months he'd could control the shifting. Scott hasn't seen me since. I on the other hand can't say the same. for the next 3 months after Scott has gained control I looked out him from afar just in case something went wrong but after the 5 or 6 month it was like routine every full moon I would find my self over at Stiles back yard near some bushes and trees and watched Scott and Stiles play video games, eat pizza study on the odd occasion and watch movies till they fell asleep.

I told my self over and over  'it was for Scott's safety' but I'm only lying to myself.

"STILES! Stiles,come on Stiles say with me, stay with me!" Scott pleaded over Stiles ghost white Body "Derek?" He looked up at me tears brimming his eyes "c-Can you help?we need to get to Deatons now" Scott asked pulling the limp body into his lap "what happend to him? He sounded in pain I heard him scream from miles awa-..." I cut myself  off when I saw the huge gouge in the Stiles left leg "Oh god we need to get him to the clinic now" I said.

Stiles is a going to be a werewolf.

That's all that ran around my head as I took Stiles off of Scott's lap and into my arms bridal style and ran to my car "Scott" Stiles slurred awake again "Stiles it's ok I'm taking you to the animal clinic. " I panted out of breath from running to my car. It wasn't long till I was in my car and diving to Deatons Stiles had lost a lot of blood and his heartbeat was slowly becoming quieter.

Was Stiles Dying? Was he not strong enough for the Bite?


Hope you liked chapter one of 'Oh Little Fox'!

Sorry this was short they will be longer in the future!

{580 words}

Chapter two coming soon!

-Amelia Xx

Oh little foxحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن