Back To Deatons (Chaper Two)

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Sorry this took forever just cos I'm in quarantine don't mean I don't do my school work lol enjoy chapter 2 ———————————————""Deaton!!" Scott shouted opening the door so Derek could get Stiles on the metal table in the back "DEA-" Scott shouted again clearly stressed "-ton sorry I didn't see you there"
"It's fine Scott just get round here and help" surprisingly Deaton was calm Correction he was always calm which was both unnerving to Derek and relaxing to know not everyone was freaking out.

Because he was.....

Although he looked like his normal stone cold, heartless self he was in pain.derek couldn't explain it, it was so unusual he'd never felt this way before. It was like their was something inside of him howling in pain when he looked at Stiles on the table sweating and wriggling about like he was in some sort of nightmare.

"Is he ok?" Stiles he was paler than normal he looked sick as a dog "Is h-he dying?" Derek looked up from the shaking boy to Deatons eyes "I'm not really to sure but I have seen this before. When I was a young boy..." He was cut off by a yelp from Stiles as Deaton continued to investigate what was happening with him but then carried on with his story as if everything was normal
"around your age Scott. I would sneak in round the back of the local vet clinic in my town it was where my uncle worked and I used to watch him help the sick animals that entered his clinic. One day I snuck in silent as a mouse" another yell from Stiles made Derek wince and wimper inside "and saw this half human half animal strapped to the table growling in pain."
"A werewolf?" Scott asked trying to keep Stiles pinned down as Deaton inserted a needle in his arm.
Stiles hates needles Derek thought as he quietly whimpered for him. "Not exactly. She'd just been bitten but she looked different from a werewolf her face was pointed slightly and turned a dark orange red shade I remember her eyes going a luminescent bluey green colour and her ears growing like yours but round rather than pointy."

"Well what the hell was she then?" Derek asked Deaton. Derek tried not to panic he truly did but all this talk about Deatons past made him restless. "You can talk about the passed all you want but that won't reassure Stiles future so tell me what's wrong with Stiles" Dereks voice cracked he was scared. Stiles didn't look good and he couldn't lose him. Derek didn't know why he felt this strongly about the skinny teen but he did know he would break if he lost him.
Scott looked up from Stiles and directly at Derek with uttermost confusion but before he could say anything Deaton asked very gently "Derek, are you ok?" And gave hums wary glance before going back to Stiles "I-I don't know its weird I feel like theirs something inside of me howling in pain when I look at him and I'm stressing out because I don't know what's wrong or how to fix it and it hurts." with tears threatening to fall Derek held Stiles hand and caressed his cheek. "Did you just say howl?" Deaton pushed
"yeah literally howling like a wolf"
"Derek if your describing this right I think Stiles is your mate" Deaton replied softly so Derek wouldn't freak out. "W-What!? That -that...." Derek thought of it for a minute.

His inner wolf chanted

"Oh my god h-he is!" Derek eyes widened. He was freaking out. "Derek why don't you get some air and if your still freaking out go home get some rest and I'll text you what happened tomorrow?" Deaton 'suggested' Deaton dosent really do subtle so instead of arguing Derek left and when home to rest.


Sorry that was kinda short again I just thought it was a good place to end it.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 2, chapter 3 coming soon.

{684 Words}

[not edited]

-Amelia Xx

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