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Niall's POV

"I can't believe this is happening."

"Lexus has the worst luck. This sucks so much ass, I'm sorry your going through all of this Niall."

"Harry, I'm going fucking crazy. I can't do this. All of this is so much, Lexus is back, with a baby and now they're both dying."

"Don't say that Ni, you don't know that. You wished for weeks that Lexus would come back, you can't give up now that she is."

"Where is she?" Louis asked once he saw Harry and I.

"Fuck off Lou."

"She's in ICU, none of us can see her. The nurse let Niall in, but then she got in trouble because he's not family." Harry explained.

"Friends and family of Miss.Greenway?" The tan skinned nurse with dark hair came out from behind her desk.

"That's us." I stood up quickly, all of our friends following me to were the nurse stood.

"Lexus is being moved from the ICU.."

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in, we all sigh in relief.

"She will be on the top floor, after she gets out of surgery."


"Yes, during her c section they accidentally cut into her bladder, they had to put stitches into it."

"Why did no one tell me this?!"

"We technically couldn't until she woke up and gave us permission."

"How is the baby?"

"I'm sorry I can't give out that information." She gave me a soft smile and slowly turned away.

"What baby?" Louis asks.

I hear Harry trying to explain the situation to Lou, while I stand there in silence trying to sort everything in my head out. I decide to ignore the questions I'm being asked and make my way to the exit of the hospital.


"Your total is 5,780 dollars Mr.Horan."

The small blonde speaks from behind the jewelry counter.

"Thank you." I smile as she hands me my debit card and the beautifully wrapped bag.


"Hi, I'm here to visit Lexus Greenway."

"She's in room 544, on the fifth floor."

"Thank you " I smile to the older woman behind the computer.

I make my way to the fifth floor quickly, but avoiding our friends in the lobby. Its not that I don't want to see them, I just don't need to hear them right now.

I walk into the hospital room to find Lexus, lying peacefully in her bed, sound asleep. I stroll along to her bedside so I can hold her hand until she wakes up. Everyonce in a while a nurse comes in and checks on her, I sit with her for about 3 hours before she starts moving around in her sleep. 

"Hey sunshine." I smile at her once she opens her eyes fully.

"Hi" she grumbles.

"How're feeling?"


"I'm sorry babe."

"Where's Nicole?"

"In the NICU"

"Is she okay?"

"They won't let me know anything, since I'm not the dad."

"Oh. Well, will you get a nurse for me?" I nod my head at her and quickly find Lexus' nurse , we return back to the room and find Lexus crying.

"What's wrong love?"

"I feel like some things wrong." She sobs out.

"Everything's okay baby." I pull her closely into me.

"I misses you Niall." She whispers so low I barely heard her.

"I missed you more."

"Ms.Greenway, the pediatrician that's assigned to your daughter said he needs to speak with you."

"Can she do this later?" I ask, knowing Lexus can't take much more today.

"He said its urgent."

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