30. Fruit *****

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Disclaimer: Most of this chapter is smut. It will be marked with ****. If the content is too sensitive please avoid that paragraph.

After saying goodbye to the guys, and once in the car, I feel his eyes on me before I turn to him. I cannot believe I'm with him again. I know I love him and he loves me, but we were actually together only a few hours before everything went south. Just thinking of our previous night together makes me excited. The thought of his skin against mine, his touch, his lips on my body suddenly invades my thoughts. As he looks outside, I see his neck tendon stretching... I crave him. I know he is next to me, but it's just not close enough. I'm going to be forward with my next action and it doesn't match who I have been for the last few weeks but I'm still Yujin, I'm still me, so what the heck! I'm still unapologetically upfront when I comes to what I want. Seeing his hand on the seat next to me, I put mine over his and place them both on my thigh. He suddenly looks back at me seriously and I see his chest rising with his breathing. His head tilts back as if he was showing off his neck to me. His Adam's apple is prominent and my eyes travel along his stretched neck, all the way to the top of his shirt where the last two buttons are opened, exposing his delicious collarbones.
His hand slowly slides smoothly higher and higher as I briefly look at the driver, who is focused on driving us home, making sure he cannot see us. My breathing accelerates as he reaches the top of my thigh. He grabs my flesh, now touching my underwear with his little finger, stroking it. Gosh I want that man. Looking outside it seems we are nearly there. He's licking his lips, and I have to control myself not to jump on him at this moment. My legs open automatically and pushing the fabric of my underwear to the side, he finds his way to my folds flowing with the fruit of my excitement. A smirk appears on his face, as if satisfied of the effect he has on me. He inserts a finger in and looking at his face, I bite my lips restraining moans to come out, but his gentle thrusting is just too much and I suddenly can't control myself, pleasured sounds coming out as whimpers.

Driver: Sorry? What did you say?

JB: I just said we're nearly there, he says smirking at me as if to mock my lack of control, continuing his thrusting, actually adding another finger in as he leans towards the driver.

Driver: You're right, there you go! Have a nice evening.

JB: Thanks, he says pulling away from my warmth with a smile on his face, covering my legs with my dress which had cropped up.

After coming out of the car, he gets to my side and opens the door for me. I am in a right state but I try to play it cool, breathing deeply. He helps me out, and now standing, I can feel my legs weak from the little taster. The car leaves and following the path, we soon get to the door. He is standing right behind me as I look for my keys. His body getting closer and slowly I feel his warmth, his hands on my waist and his lips on my neck. I can't focus. My bag is not big and I find my keys in seconds, but I just want to stay here, see what he wants to do to me. His hands move from my waist to my stomach and up to my breast. His lips, originally kissing my neck are now on my earlobe, nibbling me gently. I am so close to him, I hear his breathing and now humming. Okay I need this door opened, RIGHT NOW! Within a split second, the door is opened, he has pushed me in and flipped me to face him. Lifting me up, he pushes me against the wall, after I slam the door shut. He kisses me passionately from lips to neck to collarbones as I hold onto his strong frame. How can he be everywhere all at once? I've missed his touch tremendously. Suddenly, remembering being in the corridor of his house and him making me go absolutely crazy, I feels ten times more exciting right now. Before, I wasn't expecting anything. Now I know, and my senses are on edge.

JB: Where's your room? He says quickly between kisses.

Y: Upstairs, I moan.

As he starts walking us towards the staircase, I tell him to put me down.

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