27. Chicken

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Kookie sits next to me.

JKK: Now, that's great that things are better with Jackson and all, but what happened? Why did you pass out?

Y: Jay saw me being greeted by Lay in the corridor.

JKK: Greeted how exactly?

Y: He grabbed me by the waist and hugged me tight and Jay's face was nothing but pain. I say breathing out, feeling like the worst person in the world. Lay, Sehun and I only spoke for a minute before I left and Jay was already gone by then. So once I calmed down back in your dressing room, I found the courage to go see him. When I opened his door, he was hugging some girl, with his arms tight around her waist and his face in her neck and I left. But when I saw Jackson, everything came out and I think that's when I passed out.

JKK: I see. It's probably just a friend.

Y: How often do you hug "just" friends like that? I ask him with a judging look.

JKK: Well, I hug you kind of like that all the time, he says with authority.

I feel like a kid being told off.

Y: Oh... yeah that's true... but...

JKK: Listen, I told him you were here tonight, and that's probably why he took the opportunity to tell you "Crazy" was your song... in front of thousands of people, he accentuates. He is pouring his heart out for you, and he just saw you in the arms of an ex. Do you really think he is the kind of guy who would just make out with some random girl because of that? He obviously loves you more than anything. He stayed away when I asked him to, because he wanted you to feel better. He is selfless when it comes to you. I've been by your side the whole time and I know you love him more than anything too. So now that you know you and Jackson are okay, and him and Jackson are... nearly okay, I think it's time for you to accept he's the one for you and you need to go after him. If this girl is a problem, I know feisty Yujin would not think twice about getting her guy.

Y: You're right. I just feel like I've lost myself lately, with those anxiety episodes. I think with knowing Jackson and I are good, it's the boost I needed to start and feel better.

JKK: That's my girl!

Y: I love you you know.

JKK: I know. How could you resist such a perfect specimen!? He says with a smug face, before grabbing me in his arms.

Y: You're so full of it! I laugh.

JKK: Are you ready to get your guy now?

Y: No.

JKK: Oh! He says with round eyes.

Y: I need to do something... something special. I can't just knock on his door and say "hey! So I'm free and I want to be your girlfriend... oh yes and I love you...". That doesn't seem enough to show how sorry I am to have put him through hell.

JKK: Oooooh. Okay. Well the show is over so we just need to get ready to go home.

Y: Let's go home.

NJ: Are you okay Yujin.

Bless him, it's probably not the kind of award show backstage they are used to.

Y: I am thanks. You're so sweet, I say fondly.

NJ: Is everything good with Jackson?

Y: We are... friends, but we still need to talk to clear the air and start fresh.

NJ: I'm glad to hear that. Jackson is the best friend you can wish for.

Kookie start to caught loudly, which makes me laugh.

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