8. Breakfast *****

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Disclaimer: There is smut in this chapter which will be marked with ****. If the content is too sensitive please avoid that paragraph.

Over the last few days, I've spent a lot of evenings over at their house and stayed with Jackson. Always platonic but always affectionate. Never inadequate or awkward. Jay has been okay, not the guy I first met but always saying everything is ok.

Today, I'm a bit stuck and I need his help, so I call him.

JB: Hello?

Y: Hey Jay!

JB: How are you doing?

Y: I'm fine. My brother just told me he's getting back together with his girlfriend, so that's great for them and Nabi.

JB: That's awesome! It's good, right?

Y: Yeah, she's a great girl and he should marry her if she's crazy enough to take him back. Ha! The only problem is that he's moving back with her and I can't afford my rent. I'm graduating soon so I hope once I get a proper job, I can live alone again.

JB: Off course you can stay with us.

Y: ... thanks. I'd move with them but, they already are three in a small appartment.

JB: I said come live with us.

Y: I can stay with Jackson, I'm sure he won't mind.

JB: We'll see. Still nothing to tell me about Jackson?

Y: No, why did he say something?

JB: No, he didn't. When do you need to get out?

Y: Can I come over tomorrow? I'll just have clothes and my photo equipment.

JB: Do you want me to pick you up from work and we go from there?

Y: Sure! You're the best! I say with enthusiasm.

JB:  I am, aren't I?

Y: Ha! Yes you are, I laugh imagining his smug face right now.

The next day, as promised, he picks me up. I get all my stuff and we head to his place. In the car, while listening to music, we talk.

Y: Did you check with your manager if it's okay for me to be there?

JB: He'll probably say no, so I said nothing. When do you graduate?

Y: In two weeks. I have my exhibition next Thursday. I'm kind of scared. It's part of my final assessment.

JB: I've seen your work, it's really good. I love the pictures you took of us the other night when we had the barbecue. You should use them.

Y: Thanks, and I appreciate the support, but unfortunately you won't be the one grading me, I say nervously.

While keeping his eyes on the road, he places his hand on mine, squeezing it a bit, which somehow reassures me, his kind smile just calming me down.

We get to his place and the boys come out to help carry my stuff in.

YJ: Is that all? I don't have to carry anything then.

BB: You can carry my stuff if you want!

YJ: Hahahahaha! No thanks! I'll open the door.

We drop everything in the hall and I get a hug from them all.

M: Welcome to the crib roomie! So tonight you sleep with me. Tomorrow Jinyoung...

Y: Wait what? I sleep with...

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