15. Champagne

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L: Let's go my love, he says with a cute grin, holding his hand out.

Y: Okay sweetheart, I respond with sarcastic longing eyes, grabbing his hand, making him laugh.

Coming out of the tent holding hands, we reach the bonfire. He's wearing grey cargos and a white cotton sweater. As he sits down, he makes a space between his legs for me to sit in. I lean back against his chest and the assistant brings a lovely, thick, patterned blanket to wrap us in. We are both facing the fire when Sangook starts shooting.

SG: Stare at the fire. Yujin, snuggle in, you look stiff. That's it, much better.

I am so warm right now, and yes, it's partly due to the layers around me but mostly because his arms are around me, like a protective shield. Why am I thinking about Jay right now? I guess he is my protector, my shield, but Jay's embrace is different. I suddenly feel Yixing's head locking to the side of mine. He's in the crook of my neck and places a kiss there. Oh... my... god... how do they do it? How do models not sleep with each other? Actually, they probably all do! Another kiss follows, then more. His kisses are soft and bring goosebumps to my whole body. This is so hot and my mind wanders to a place where it's just the two of us, with no staff. For a split second I forget where I am, my breaths deepen, my lips open slightly as I look up in pleasure and feel a moan coming.

SG: Yes! That's very convincing! He says bringing me back to reality.

Yeah there's a reason why it's so convincing Sangook! I'm... like... wow!

SG: Now can you turn to him slightly? Still in his arms but on the side, like that, yeah just look at him.

I still feel flustered from the kisses and you ask me to look at him?! Fine! I do, I do look at him, his soft eyes, his soft smile, his bloody, freaking delicious dimples. He is gorgeous and of course I smile at him.

L: You're not cold are you? I can feel you shiver.

Y: I'm just uncomfortable, position-wise.

L: Okay, just find the right position, he says opening the blanket to allow me to move.

He's so sweet. I go completely sideways, my legs over his thigh, my back in the crook of his elbow, my arm on his back under his shoulder, and my other hand cupping his cheek.

L: Good?

Y: Yes, I can sleep there now, I say making him giggle.

He closes the blanket on us and looks at me. I really want to kiss him right now. I really, really, really want to, but it's a job! And he's doing his job that's all. He's been asked to look at me like that, for the shoot, for the story behind it. But the way he looks at me though, I feel like he's talking to me. His eyes tell me "you are beautiful, you are special and you make my heart beat faster". He's good!

L: In your thoughts again?

Y: Nope, I'm right here, right now.

SG: And... we're good! He announces generating a series of claps and "woos".

But Yixing hasn't stopped staring at me and me at him. I just want to stay here tonight please. Thank you. Just leave us, we'll be fine. Just fine. Good night everyone.

L: Are you okay?

Y: Very comfortable, I don't want to move. You?

L: Very comfortable, I don't want to move.

Okay, he just said that right? He wants to stay there too... I...

SG: Okay Yujin, you did great, you can go back to the wardrobe tent. Lay, always a pleasure!

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