" hey, how are you?" " she smiled brightly like she always does, just as us guys stared at her Completely stunned and speechless by her presence.
But the more I looked at her the more quickly I started comprehending her presence and it's like this rush of excitement came over me.

" I'm great, how are you?" I said being all cheery as I skipped over to her and just pulled her into a hug, squeezing her a bit to tightly. I'm just so happy and relieved to see her here.

" I'm good actually" she replied looking a little confused at my reaction and wondering why I'm hugging her so tightly, But you honestly don't know how good it is to see her, this literally could be the day her and Marshall finally work things out.

" you have no idea how good it is to see your face, I was afraid you weren't going to come back" I whispered more softly just so her and I could here. I could tell she was taking in everything I was saying, and she actually looked a little bit nervous to be honest.

" you know Id miss you guys like crazy " she smirked pulling back so I could see her smile, but just like Marshall I can tell this happy face is all for show and deep down she's still hurting and confused.

The guys all quickly followed my lead and greeted Sarah back with friendly hugs. I could tell she's wondering where Marshall is and maybe that's why she's acting so nervous. Maybe she thinks he's like already moved on or something which is completely false, I don't think he actually has even glanced at another girl since sarah left, but she has every right to be nervous since it's not the first time Marshall has slept with someone else after having an argument with sarah.

As the guys started making conversations with sarah asking her all about Australia and her boys she just stood there politely answering all there questions but I could see she was a bit distracted and I could tell she just wanted to go see Marshall.

" he's in his office where's he's been hiding out for the past 3 weeks" I commented softly after there was a break in the conversation. This is why she came here and from her face she's dying to see Marshall.

" thanks" she smiled before making her way towards his office. Even by the way she walked you can tell she's freaking out, because just like me I think she knows this could go either way.

Sarah p.o.v

I seemed to start relaxing as I greeted the guys and had a few general conversations. Of course Royce couldn't stop smiling when he saw me probably thinking Marshall will start going back to his usual old self, but I'm not really sure about that, that's why I become nervous again as I make my way over to his office.

Lightly I knock on the door Hoping I'm not disturbing him or about to walk in on him and some other girl like that other time we had a massive fight.

" Go away, I'm busy " I heard him mumble softly trying to be as polite as he possibly can, which wasn't really working but his anger and mood isn't going to scare me away.

Noticing the door is unlock i slowly begin to open it, hoping this won't get him even more pissed of at me and Straight away I spot him sitting in his office chair, just staring at a brick wall while nibbling on his fingers, showing me he's thinking deeply about something, but he's still making no movements at all.

" Marshall" I said softly, I couldn't help but stutter since knowing I haven't seen him in so long and how moody he already sounds.

Quickly Marshall turns round after hearing my voice and man the shock of his face was priceless.

" sarah" he whispered so I can barely hear him as he basically jumps out of his seat and keeps his eyes glued on me as he walks closer.

Softly I close the door trying really hard to keep the tears in. He looks so exhausted and I know that it's all because of me and my stupid decision to leave.

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