Ch.8 Momma's House

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"Can she speak for herself?" Ja'Zell said mugging Jordan and me, but mostly Jordan who didn't one bit of a fuck she was just smirking like she knew she was hitting a nerve now we forgot the cold weather it like we were just focus on each other.

"I can speak for myself, I just don't want to talk to you, I thought I made that clear the day I came to your house and choked you for messing up something that meant something to me... If that doesn't ring a bell come here so I can remind you." I said still trying to get to her that was no doubt in my mind that I still wanted to kill her. But Jordan was still holding by my arm, I so wish she'd let go but that was probably not going to happen. Fear ran though through that bitch like ice water, she wanted to run so bad now.

"Why are you here Jamal?" Jordan asked still trying to keep me from getting to her, this was frustrating the hell out me, all I wanted to do was beat her ass that all. Ja'Zell directed her stare from us and she looked at the ground then she looked up and tears welling up in her eyes. A small of part me started to feeling bad, but that didn't mean nothing she messed up.

"I miss you."

For a minute I stopped struggling with Jordan gripping at my arm I probably had a bruise there from her gripping me like she did, I look at this person I once had little to no feelings for and laugh in her face, at this point Ja'Zell started crying I didn't care not that much anyways. I stopped laughing, and Jordan let go of me, and than that's Jordan let go of me, so I started walking to her no doubt my best friend behind me, when I got to her instead of slapping the shit out her like I really, really wanted too. Instead I wiped the tears that had fallen from her eyes she tried to kiss me but I moved my face back, and look her dead in the eyes.

"What in the fuck makes you think I miss you?" I said coldly dropping my hands from her face and glaring at her, she looked taken back and hurt but at this moment and this moment right here I felt bad, but couldn't find myself to really care let alone let her see it, "I'm happy when I'm not with you, when I was with you it felt like you were sucking the fucking life out me, it really didn't help that you bitched and moaned about everything that I did for you... So to missed you when I got somebody else that makes me happy, yeah right."

It felt good to get that off my chest I didn't think I couldn't keep my temper much long so I walked into the store Antony and Lena acted like they were work but to be quite frank I knew they were wondering what going on. I rolled my eyes and just went to the back I didn't feel like being bother now all I wanted to do was go see my mom.



"What Kenya the playa, playa got a girlfriend shut up." My friend Katrina said she was the only person I knew from Hawaii that I was actually close with on the trip, in all honesty we use to not like each other for a reason we both didn't understand, but grow fond of each other when we had to be roommates in Hawaii. I smiled big and cocky I couldnt help it, it was just who I was.

"Ok Trina let's get one thing straight, I'm not a playa I just crush a lot." I said pointing to her, she rolled her eyes, and smacked her lip.

"Oh right, and hoes are loyal," She said sarcastically.

"Shut up." I said hitting her in the she giggles but hits me back, then we had to pretend like we were working when our boss James came to our desk. He was a tall man, with muscle that were bulking out of his blue shirt, he was cute I guess.

"Y'all are working right?" He said looking at the both us, Katrina giggle an started playing in curly hair, I rolled my eyes.

"Yes dad- I mean sir, yes sir." Katrina said I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud. This girl was something else I swear.

Act Like You Love Me (lesbian story) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora