Chapter 32

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Pony tried to run but he stumbled, and Dally impatiently shoved him along. "Hurry! He was gettin' worse when I left. He want ro see you."

Dally had Buck Merril's T-bird parked in front of the Curtis' house, and we hopped into it. Ponboy and I sat tight as Dally roared the car down the street. We were on Tenth when a siren came on behind us and I saw the reflection of the red light n the windshield,

"Look sick," Dally commanded. "I'll say I'm taking you to the hospital, which'll be truth enough."

I leaned against the cold glass windown and tried to look sick.

The policeman looked disgusted. "All right, buddy, where's the fire?"

"The kids"--- Dally jerked a thumb Pony and I--- "they fell over on his motorcycle and I'm taking them to the hospital."

Pony groaned. The fuzz changed his tone. "Is he real bad? Do you need an escort?"

"How would I know if he's bad or not? I ain't no doc. Yeah, we could use an escort." And as the policeman got back into his car I heard Dally hiss, "Sucker!"

With the siren ahead of us, we made time getting to the hospital.

"I was crazy, you know that, kid? Crazy for wantin' Johnny to stay outa trouble, for not wantin' him to get hard. If he'd never run into that church. That's what you get for helpin' people. Editorials in the paper and a lot of trouble... "Dally said, then turning to Pony. "You'd better wise up, Pony... you get tough like me and you don't get hurt. You look out for yourself and nothin' can touch you..."

The cops left us at the hospital as Dally pretended to help Pony out of the car. The minute the cop was gone; Dally let go of him so quick he almost fell. "Hurry!"

We ran through the lobby and crowded past people into the elevator. Several people yelled at us, I think because we were pretty racked-up looking, but Dally had nothing on his mind except Johnny. When we finally got to Johnny's room, the doctor stopped us. "I'm sorry, guys, but he's dying."

"We gotta see him," Dally said, and flicked out Two-Bit's switchblade. His voice was shaking. "We're gonna see him and if you give me any static you'll end up on your own operatin' table."

The doctor didn't bat an eye. "You can see him, but it's because you're his friends, not because of that knife."

Dally looked at him for a second, then put the knife back in his pocket. The three of us went into Johnny's room, standing there for a second, getting our breath back in heavy gulps.

Heart Breakerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें