Chapter 29

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When Pony he went to the bathroom to get a shower.

Soda," Pony called from the bathroom, "when did you start shaving?"

"When I was fifteen," Soda yelled back.

"When did Darry?" Pony asked.

"When he was thirteen. Why? You figgerin' on growing a beard for the rumble?" Soda said.

"You're funny. We ought to send you in to the Reader's Digest. I hear they pay a lot for funny things." Pony said.

Soda and I laughed and he went right on playing poker with Steve in the living room. Darry had on a tight black T-shirt that showed every muscle on his chest and even the flat har muscles of his stomach. I'd hate to be the Soc who takes a crack at him.

Soda, Steve, and Pony put on more hair oil than was necessary, but they wanted to show that they were greasers. I sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for the rest of the outfit to show up. But of course, tonight the only one coming would be Two-Bit; Johnny and Dallas wouldn't show. Soda and Steve were playing cards and arguing as usual. Soda was keeping a steady stream of wisecracks and clowning, ans Steve had turned up the radio so loud that it almost broke my eardrums.

"You like fights, don't you, Soda?" Pony asked suddenly.

"Yeah, sure." Soda shrugged. "I like fights."

"How come?" Pony asked.

"I don't know." Soda said looking at Pony, Puzzled. "It's action. It's a contest. Like a drag race or a dance or something."

"Shoot," said Steve, "I want to beat those Socs' heads in. When I get in a fight I want to stomp the other guy good. I like it, too."

"What about you, y/n, why do you like fights?" Pony asked me.

"Pony, how often do you see a girl in a rumble? I like to feel tuff, cause I know I can beat some of those Socs in their heads." I said with a grin.

"How come you like fights, Darry?" Pony asked looking up at him leaning in the kitcken doorway. He gave Pony one of those looks that hide what he's thinking, but Soda piped up, "He likes to show off his muscles."

"I'm gonna show 'em off on you, little buddy, if you get any mouthier." Darry said.

"I don't know if you ought to be in this rumble, Pony," Darry said slowly.

"How come? I've always come through before, ain't I?" Pony asked.

"Yeah," Darry said with a proud grin. "You fight real good for a kid your size. But you were in shape before. You've lost weight and don't look so great, kid. You're tensed up too much."

"Shoot," said Soda, trying to get the ace out of his shoe without Steve's seeing him, "we all get tensed up before a rumble. Let him fight tonight. Skin never hurt anyone--- no weapons, no danger."

"I'll be okay," Pony pleaded. "I'll get hold of a little one, okay?"

"Well, Johnny won't be there this time, but then, Curly Shpard won't be there either, or Dally, and we'll need every man we can get." Darry said.

"What happened to Shepard?" Pony asked.

"He's in the cooler," Steve said, kicking the ace out of Soda's shoe. "In the reformatory."

"Let me fight, Darry. If it was blades or chains or something it'd be different. Nobody ever gets hurt in a skin rumble." Pony said.

"Well"--- Darry gave in--- "I guess you can. But be careful, and if you get in a jam, holler and I'll get you out." Darry said.

"I'll be okay," Pony said wearily. "How come you never worry about Sodapop or y/n as much? I don't see you lecturin' them."

"Man"--- Darry grinned and put his arms across Soda's shoulders--- "these are two kids I don't have to worry about."

Soda punched him in the ribs affectionately.

"These two kiddos can use their heads." Darry said.

Sodapop and I looked down at Pony with mock superiority, but Darry went on, "You can see he uses it for one thing--- to grow hair on." He ducked Soda's swing. "On y/n's head, she uses her common sense to go along with her street and book smarts." Darry took off for the door.

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