Chapter 19

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I kept staring out the window at the rapidly passing scenery, but I felt my eyes getting round. I thought about it--- He never talked about his past or being in jail that way--- if he talked about it at all, it was to brag. And I suddenly thought of Dally . . . in jail at the age of ten . . . Dally growing up in the streets . . .

"Would you rather have me living in hide-outs for the rest of my life, always on the run?" Johnny asked seriously.

If Dally had said yes, Johnny would have gone back to the church without hesitation. He figured Dally knew more than he did, and Dally's word was law. But he never heard Dally's answer, for we had reached the top of Jay Mountain and Dally suddenly slammed on the brakes. "Oh, glory" he whispered. The church was on fire!

"Let's go see what the deal is," Ponyboy said, hopping out.

"What for?" I said irritated.

"Get back in here before I beat your head in." Dally said.

Johnny got out also and followed Ponyboy to the nearest bystander. Dally parked the car and I saw Ponyboy and Johnny running to the church.

"Shit, their going in. What the hell are they thinkin?" I said turning to Dallas and we started running toward the church.

When we got to the window that the kids were getting out of Dally went to the window and screamed, "For Pete's sake, get outa there! That roofs gonna cave in any minute. Forget those blasted kids!"

They got the rest of the kids out of the church and Ponyboy was shoved toward the window. I could here Johnny said, "Get out!"

Ponyboy leaped out of the window and I heard timber crashing and the flames roaring. He staggered, almost falling, coughing and sobbing for breath. Then I heard Johnny scream, and as Ponyboy turned to go back for him, Dally swore at him and clubbed him across the back and he passed out.

Before I could know it I was in the ambulance with Dally, crying, but not sobbing. I was holding his hand the entire way.

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