Chapter 6

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I remembered the night Dally was took and put in the cooler. It has been a few weeks since I have seen him. I really hope that he gets out soon. The last thing I remember was Dally giving me my bracelet and the police showed up. The gang seemed to notice that I was down and tried cheering me up.

"Come on y/n, cheer up a bit." Sodapop said giving me a hug.

"We'll go down to the lake today if you want." Two-Bit suggested.

"Okay" I said, I knew it would clear my mind and cheer me up a bit. I went to my room to go change into my swimsuit, a typical bikini with pink flamigoes all over it. As everyone was ready, we headed down to the lake.

When we got there, the fresh air smelled so nice and all the memories I had of this place flowed through my mind. Steve and Two-Bit interrupted my memory line by grabbing me and headed straight toward the water. I screamed and giggle at the same time. 

I was soaked head to toe so I decided to tackle Steve. Once I was done with Steve, I dragged Two-Bit to the water and threw him into the water the best I could.

A couple of hours had went by and Darry had started to pull out some sandwiches for lunch. I was happy and then I thought about the last time we went to the lake house with Dally. God I missed him so much. The gang knew I missed him but they tryed to distract my mind from him.

After lunch we started loading back up again and headed home. "Thanks guy, I really needed this." I said.

They all nodded and Sodapop said," You needed this."

When we got home we were all so tired so everyone stayed the night. Eventually, one by one each of us drifted into sleep.

"Wake up! Steve and Two-Bit yelled. "Happy Birthday!"

I had forgotten that it was my birthday and a smile grew on my face.

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