"You heard that leah? You're lucky I love you. My ass is growing for you"

"I fell for you with the ass you had before and I'm still in love with your ass now so" she shrugs. That made me smile. "You're so annoying" I giggled.

Later we headed down to the pool. We already started ordering some drinks. Along with the drink in my hand, I started dancing and throwing it back all on Leah.

"Oh so you can dance but not walk?" She asks. I stop and turn around to look at her and raised a brow. I tried acting mad but while looking into her eyes I suddenly got a flashback of last night. She noticed my toughness went away. She gets close to me and wraps her arms around me and kisses my cheek.

"My baby..you know I'm just kidding. I love you" she says cutely. I smiled. "Seeing all these women around with nice bodies and shit..I'm fucking lucky I have you" she says to me. I look at her and smile more. "Why?" I ask her. "Cause you're sexier...and pretty.. and adorable.." she says slowly.

"You're that and more" I tell her. She smiles and placed her hand softly on the side of my neck.

"The way I wanna fuck you like last night but even better is making me wanna do it now" she says and brings her hand more to the middle of my neck.

"Ahem!!" I hear someone. It was Vanessa. Leah quickly let's go and walks away from me. I started laughing as Vanessa looked at me. "What?" I ask. "Chill!" She says. "But she said she loves me" I pout. "Obviously she does when she got you walking like that!"

I scrunch up my nose and looked around to where she went. She just ended up talking to our friends.

"Now drink the fuck up so we can party!" She tells me. I take a big sip from my drink and started to dance again.

And of course during the night, we went to a club. We all got wasted. I even lost Leah for a second but now she's with me. She's on my lap sitting sideways but she's kissing me. Her hands are placed on both sides of my face.

"This song makes me wanna put a baby in you" she tells me. I started laughing out loud. "It's not funny!" She whines. "You can't get me pregnant"

"I can try! Shit you don't know how much I wanna do to you right now" she said. "Ha! You won't do shit. You're tired from last night" I said. "You sure about that?" She says. I bit my lip and eyed her down. "If anything, you're too tired for some" she says to me. "But I can take it"

"But you can't" she says.

"I can" I said.

"Hmm" I mumble and we just kissed again.

Then she let's go and stands up.

"Come on" she says. I stand up and tilt my head. "Where?" I ask. "Hotel room" she says. "Oooooo" I smirk. I held her hand and we just walked out without telling anyone.

We got back to the hotel and walked into the lobby. All you can hear is us being loud and laughing with each other.

"First one there doesn't get tied up" I said. "Oh you just chose the worst competition" leah says and we both started running towards the elevator. Both in our heels. I was running a bit behind her so I pulled her hair so that I can go in front of her. Then she grabs me from behind which caused me to laugh so much more and it had me weak. Now I'm in her arms as we just kept laughing. It was a cute drunk moment.

Once the elevator opened up for us, we went in but there was some other people in it. So me and Leah stayed close together on the side. We tried so hard to hold our laughs. I looked at her and she was holding her laugh. I started to smile and looked away. We're so drunk though.

We got to our floor and went straight to our room. She tackles me into the bed and I started laughing histerically again.

"Baaaabe" I whined. "You wanted to laugh so bad" she said. "So did you! I saw your face" I said. "You think they knew we're drunk?" She asks. "Nah I'm sure they couldn't tell. We were quiet"

She smiles and flops onto the bed right by me. I looked at her and giggled. "Weak ass bitch" I said. She quickly looks at me. "Heheeheee" I laugh.

"Says youuu" she says and cups my face. Then she just looks and observed my face. I saw a soft smile form. It was cute.

"I love you" I said to her. She looks up at my eyes. "I love you too" she says. We're suddenly calm..

"Have our friends called?" She asks. "I don't know..and I don't care right now" I said. She positions herself to lean onto her elbows and kissed me slowly. Me and Leah just have this addiction of each other. No matter how crazy we get, we end up saying that we love each other automatically. Cause I really do love her and I love that we stick together for everything. She's my right hand, my bestie, my everything.

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