chapter 2

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Yuki’s pov.

          “No. I want to eat before I take a bath.” I say. He shakes his head. “If you take a bath now then by the time it’s dry you can be done eating I have some old cloths that you can wear if they aren’t dry after you’re done with your bath.” Kakashi says. I was really tempted, after all it had been only 13 days since I put them on and I needed my leg rewrapped. “Fine.” I say and let him lead me to a bathroom. “Put your cloths by the door and yell when you’re in. I’ll grab your cloths and leave the clean ones out for you.” Kakashi says as he fills the tub for me. Once it was full he leaves and I do as he asked. The hot water felt good. “I’m in.” I yell. I see Kakashi’s hand grab the dirty cloths and then leave clean ones. I enjoy the bath and was in for about an hour. As I dried off I saw a mirror and saw the ivy like marks that went around my waist and up my back on to my shoulders and down my arms stopping short at the middle of my upper arms. It was the same on my legs as it was on my arms. It was easy to hide and it was why the villagers had my mother killed. I was cursed or so they said and I had to be sacrificed to please the god of the land.

          I pull on the baggy clothes and head down the stairs to the kitchen. Kakashi was sitting at the table with sliced bread and there was a bowl of fresh fruit. “Hungry?” Kakashi asks as he pushes the plate of bread in front of me. I grab a piece of bread and eat it quickly. It was sweet and good. “Do you like it Yuki?” Kakashi asks. I nod my head as I take another piece. I eyed the fruit and take an apple from the bowl and look it over. Kakashi was watching me with interest. “Yes it’s really good. What is it?” I ask. “My favorer kind of bread. I like sweet bread and thought that you might to.” He says. The shoulder of the shirt slipped and Kakashi looked straight at the ivy mark on my shoulder. “What is that?” Kakashi asked as he reached out to touch it. I pull away and pull up the shirt. “It’s nothing.” I say before taking a bite out of the apple. He looked concerned but didn’t say anything because there was a buzzing sound. “Your clothes are done. I’ll go get them. You can change after your done eating.” Kakashi says before he gets up and walks away.

          I take a deep breath to relax and finish eating the apple as I watched Kakashi bring my cloths out and place them on the seat next to me. I had seen the buns and wanted one but didn’t take one. “Try them they are good.” Kakashi says when he sees me looking at the buns. He grabs one and then holds it out to me. “Are you going to eat?” I ask noticing his mask on. “I already did when you were taking your bath. You look a lot like the picture Zetsu sent.” He says as he pulls out a book and starts to read. I eat five of the buns, almost all the sliced bread that was on the plate and another apple. I grab my clean clothes and head up to the guest room to change. When I get back he was by the door waiting for me. I walk with him to the Hokage’s office and once inside there was that man from yesterday with the scars on his face. “Kakashi, you and Ibiki will take her out to the training field and see what she can do. I will come and watch only because I want to see for myself what she can do.” The Hokage says. I follow the three men to a big open field like dad used to take me to. Kakashi pulls out a small note book and begins to whisper to Ibiki about something.

          “Daddy who are you writing to?” I ask as I sit on the floor by my dad’s desk. “I’m writing to my cousin about what I have thought you so that if you ever have to go see him he can know what you need to reach your dream.” Dad says before going back to his letter. Mom laughs and puts a big plate of cookies in front of us. “Don’t forget the picture. We will send him a letter every year with a picture and if we can’t send it it will be in your dad’s ninja pack that you have to take with you if anything happens to us.” Mom says. I remember the last letter dad had written and he had put it in his pack the day he died. I hadn’t learned anything new since then but now that I think about it I had the letter and picture. I pull them out and walk over to Kakashi. “What is wrong Yuki?” Kakashi asks when he sees me. I hold out the letter with his name on it out to him. “I was supposed to give them to you.” I say. Once he takes the letter I walk back over to the Hokage who was watching me with thoughtfulness.

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