Chapter 6

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Yuki’s pov.

          Kakashi was on the floor of my room when I got up. I was more worried about if he looked in my bag then if I had caused problems. I take a bath and when I get down to the kitchen I see food set on it and Kakashi is holing a roll of bandages. I let him wrap my leg which had been bleeding pretty badly after I got out of the tub. “I’m sorry I’m making a mess of your house.” I say. Kakashi shakes his head. “You’re not. I will take you to the hospital to get you fixed up. I don’t want to take your dad’s place but in a few day’s you will be my daughter.” He says. I smile a little. “You will be a good dad to me just like mine. Well until 4 years ago. Dad got weird when that mark showed up. He started going off to talk with my brothers.” I say. I was open to calling Kakashi dad. He was my family and he was acting very much like my dad now. I hoped that I didn’t change his life to much. There was a knock on the door and Kakashi told me to stay where I was.

          “Naruto? Sakura? Sasuke? What are you doing here?” Kakashi says. “Kakashi-sensei we wanted to know why you and Yuki weren’t at the training ground. Asuma-sensei said we were doing training with his team. But we got done early so we came looking for you.” Sakura says. I keep eating because that was why I was there. I wanted to keep talking to Kakashi about what had happened. “Can we come in Kakashi-sensei?” Sasuke asks. Kakashi must have shaken his head no. “Come on Kakashi-sensei all we want to do is talk.” Naruto yells.  I wanted to get up and move but it hurt to walk. My leg hurt a lot and it was getting to be too much pain to handle. I put my head down on the table and took a few deep breaths. The door closed and I could hear footsteps heading to the kitchen.

          “Hospital time now. Yep you need to go.” Kakashi says. He picks me up and I whimper in pain. I throw my arms around his neck and gently bite my lip to keep from screaming. “Hang on it won’t take long.” Kakashi says. He looks out the window by his door and groans. “Naruto, why do you have to cause problems?” Kakashi asks. I knew we couldn’t leave with Naruto hanging around. Kakashi puts me down and makes a shadow clone and sends it out to deal with his team taking them to a training ground. After they were gone he picks me back up and runs to the hospital. This time I was told I had to stay there for a few days and Kakashi wasn’t allowed to stay with me. “I’ll spend as much time here with you so that you don’t feel lonely.”Kakashi tells me. When visiting hours where over Kakashi had to leave and he promised he would be there first thing in the morning.  The first night in the hospital wasn’t bad. I was on some kind of drugs that kept me from dreaming and feeling pain. When I woke up Kakashi was sitting next to me.  “You’re looking better.” Kakashi says. I smile at him and he tells me that Sakura found out from her mom who was a nurse that I was here and told her. She told Naruto and Sasuke and they told him. They wanted to come see me later and I didn’t mind.

          I feel asleep but got up at lunch time and Kakashi wasn’t there but the woman from the other night was. “Thank you.” I say. She smiles at me. “I’m Kurenai. I’m glad that you are doing better.” She says. “You have a pretty name.” I say. She laughs. “Yuki I’m glad that you’re here. I’m sorry that you got hurt.” Kurenai says. The door opens and there is Kakashi with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. “Kakashi I was glad to meet your new team member. She is such a sweet girl.” Kurenai says. Kakashi nods at her as she stands to leave.  I smile kindly at Kakashi and the others. “They gave you some good drugs hu?” Sakura asks. I nod my head and it hurt a little. Naruto sat on the foot of my bed as Kakashi sits in the chair Kurenai was in not too long ago. Sakura was standing on the left side of my bed and Sasuke was on my right hand side.

          “We were worried about you.” Sakura says. I didn’t understand why they were so worried about me. “They stick with their team and friends.” Kakashi says seeing the look on my face. Naruto was bouncing on the end of the bed and it made my leg hurt. “Stop that Naruto.” Sasuke snaps. Naruto looks at me then smiles. “Do you know when you will be able to go home yet?” Naruto asks. I shake my head. “My guardian was told but I haven’t been.” I say looking at Naruto. I wasn’t going to give Kakashi away. My last name was blank on the medical chart. “What is your last name?” Sakura asks. I sigh and look at them. “You’re not going to tell your mom are you?” I ask. She looks at the ground. “Not at first.” Sakura admits. I shake my head because I know that if I was still being looked for then they would find me if my last name popped up in medical records.

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