Chapter II.II

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Sunday, September 06, 1885.
   After being kissed 1885 Doc Brown and 1985 Marty had been fallen in love to Mammett that yesterday from Saturday, September 05, 1885 after the Hill Valley Festival. That had been called from 'adore Jules Verne', so that even Captain Memo had been this character from the Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.
   Meanwhile on Sunday, September 06, 1885; seven o'clock in the morning, Anya wokes up in the bed. He found her to Anya McFly and Marty McFly's Colt Peacemaker that who given by Burton Giliam till from yesterday. She was reflected on his mirror, he was you — by looking around the mirror — that was even making same order as than he being troubled it.
  When Anya looked his bag, he standing and onto stretching his body, he using the Colt Peacemaker putting on her Anya's hips. Noko looked at Marty fought even seeing over their mirror.
   "You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me, Tannen?" Anya said. But then, he shocked as they finds 1885 Doc Brown as he going to running out of them. "Please wake up, Marty! I want to that find 1885 Doc Brown anymore!"
   "What is it, Anya?" 1985 Martin Senior confused. "Ah... are you sure that my —"
   "I want that to find the tombstone to replace that, in the name of 'Clinton Eastwood Junior'!"
  Anya listened to 1985 Martin Senior that he finding the tombstone — was it something to called it — Clinton Eastwood Junior's tombstone on the picture?
   "Huh? That's an replaced the name of... Clint Eastwood on the tombstone," 1985 Martin Senior whispered. "Oh, god. This is heavy."
  The following day as Anya using the Colt Peacemaker walks through anyone that he found onto searching into the tombstone and coffins. When Anya looking apart that 1885 Doc Brown someone anything lives.
   "Say hello, Mrs. McFly," Michael Klastorin said.
   "Morning," Anya asked to Klastorin.
  Anya trying to get to without cigar, that they didn't seemly unfortunately, he didn't want to go wrong it. Noko and Kururun hadn't even self of an wild west dresses.
   "Have a cigar, Mrs. McFly," Michael John Mills said. "Anything I can do for you today, Mrs. McFly?"
  Anya sighed, but Mills hadn't wasn't they have not an cigar caused by their own mouth. Kururun and Noko sees even as such didn't over.
  "Uh, no, that's fine. I don't..." Anya sighed.
 "Good luck tomorrow, Mrs. McFly!" Kenny Myers said to Anya. "We'll prayin' for ya!"
  "Ah, thanks."
  "Good morning, Mrs. McFly," Marvin J. McIntyre asked to Anya. "Interest you in a new suit for tomorrow?"
  "Uh, I'm... I'm fine. Thanks," Anya confused.
  Anya and 1985 Martin Senior they found looking the coffins and tombstones to that before they erased the name was 'HERE LIES'. But they seemly unknown. Anya, Noko, Kururun, Fuwa, Pronces and the four Healing Animals seeing over 1885 Doc between hadn't over the tombstone yet.

 Anya, Noko, Kururun, Fuwa, Pronces and the four Healing Animals seeing over 1885 Doc between hadn't over the tombstone yet

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  "Erm, Doc. What are you doin'?" Anya demanded.
  "Oh, nothing," 1885 Doc Brown said to Anya. "I'm just out enjoying the morning air. It's really lovely here in the morning. Don't you think?"
  "Yeah, it's lovely, Doc," Nyadoran asked. "Listen, we gotta load the DeLorean up an get ready to roll."
  But Anya and 1985 Marty had it been looking the picture of the tombstone, but he had it been changed again it. It turns into 'HERE LIES'.
   Marty looked back at his the picture of the tombstone, the four Healing Animals and Kururun seeing their Emmett's tombstone. Noko didn't seemly instead of them.
  "Hey, look at that, the tombstone."
  "Anya, let me see that photograph again. My name, it's vanished!"
  When the tombstone vanshes, it had been erased the name turned into 'HERE LIES'. It had been surprised that had 1885 Doc Brown shocked as the tombstone vanishes.
  "Hey, that's great, Doc!" Anya exclaimed. "Don't you get it? We're going back to the future tomorrow, so everything's was being to erased with."
  "But only my name is erased!" 1885 Doc Brown added. "The tombstone itself and the dates still remain. That doesn't make sense. We know that the photograph represents what will happen if the events of today contunue their course into tomorrow."
   "All right. So..."
   When McIntyre and Anya they have buying an suit. But they didn't want to buy it from Anya. Noko, Kururun and the four Healing Animals looked they off.
  "Excuse me, Mrs. McFly," McIntyre said to Anya. "I just need to take your measurement."
  "Oh, look, pal, I don't wanna buy a suit."
  "No, this is for your coffin."
  "My coffin?" Anya gasped.
  "Well, the odds are running two to one against you. Might as well be prepared," McIntyre asked to Anya.
  1885 Doc looked to Anya at their four Healing Animals, Kururun and Noko instead of their Rabirin, Anya fought can't even their over the tombstone.
  "So, it may not be my name that's supposed to end up on this tombstone. It may be yours."
    Anya confused. Why the tombstone had been vanished the tombstones and coffins he didn't want to survive? Or anyone seeing to find Mary Steenburgen. Noko and their four Healing Animals didn't even want to follow.
   "Great scott!" 1885 Doc Brown shocked.
   "I know Doc, this is heavy," 1985 Martin Senior said.
   When 1885 Doc Brown looking around to Anya's Colt Peacemaker seemly that onto his hips.
  1885 Doc turned to Anya. "Anya, why are you wearing that gun? You're not considering going up against Tannen tomorrow?"
  1885 Doc looked turned to Anya they over the Colt Peacemaker, Anya didn't can't even used their instead.
   "Doc, tomorrow – I'm going with back to the future with you, but if Buford Tannen comes lookin' for trouble, I'm gonna be ready for him," Anya added. "You heard what, that stinkin' punk called me last night."
    Anya demanded. Why even that began battle to the second final time to encountering with the Tannen clan and the Buford's gang on Monday, September 07, 1885? That should not good anything bad this one.
  "Anya, you can't go losing your judgement every time someone calls you a name," 1885 Doc Brown asked. "That's exactly what causes you to get into that accident in the future."
  "What? What about my future?" 1985 Marty sighed.
  Noko gasped. But the four Healing Animals, Kururun, Fuwa and Pronces hadn't going instead of her Anya.
  "I can't tell you," 1885 Doc Brown asked. "It might make things worse."
  "Wait a minute, Doc," Anya exclaimed. "What is wrong with my future?"
  "Anya, we all have to make decisions that affect the course of our lives. You've gotta do what you've gotta do, and I've gotta do what I've gotta do."
  Anya sighed. That he didn't want to that finding Steenburgen he was say goodbye, Anya heartbrokened to Steenburgen.

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