Chapter I.II

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Somehow, Anya managed to turn his head enough to look Seamus kneeling over him. The fellow was wearing overalls and a workshirt, and a round hat — sort of derby, execpt ot made out of straw. He was probably only a few years older than 1985 Martin Senior, although it was hard to tell with the fellow's full, red beard.
   But there was something more, something oddly familar about this farmer. If only Anya and Martin Senior could think, he'd put his finger on it right away.
   "Mrs. Thompson, is that you?"
  "There, there now," Maggie McFly said to Anya. "You've been asleep for nearly six hours now."
   "I had this horrible nightmare," Marty continued. "I dreamed, I was in a western. I was being chased by all these Indians and they defeated the bear."
   "You're so even making that safe and sound," Maggie asked him. "Rosie... you'll even an very last moments ago with you have going to the McFly farm."
   When Anya woke up, when the three of them as shocked with Maggie.
  "McFly farm? Oh my swirls!" Komasan shocked.
  "Ah!" Anya shocked. "Well, you're my... your my... you're in the McFly Farm? Who are you!?"
   Anya's body was truly camely shocked as they knocked out and after defeating the grizzly bear had been turned into rainbow colored grizzly bear to get out of the bear cave.
  "Maggie!" 1985 Martin Senior shocked. "Where are we? I am in a McFly farm?"
  "You're safe and sound, Tanya," Maggie said. "This is were all now it belongs."
  Anya turned to Maggie, "You'd even like's that even making an dreamy world," she added. "What's your name?"
   "The name's McFly. Maggie McFly," Maggie said sadistically.
   "McFly? Maggie?" 1985 Martin Senior confused.
   "So, and that's Mrs. McFly. And don't forgettin' with you."
    Anya shocked. That was an dreamy like this. Even Seamus and Martin Senior that was even not good at that Tannen clan at the Hill Valley in 1885 who was wearing the cowboy costumes.
  Anya asked to Maggie why even causing to nightmare it seemly was another trouble.
  "And what might your name will be, miss?"
  "Well, it's Mc... Jellinsky? Uh... Debbie? Debbie Jellinsky Adams."
    Maggie said, "Well, you hit your head, Miss Jellinsky. But not too serious. But if you lucky for you, Seamus found you when he did."
   Anya looking seemly to that from the McFly farm. He was so closely to straight from his eyes. He was being so close too much to bad after all. Anya and Komasan seeing their 1931 William McFly seeing their over his eyes, sitting over to his chair.
   Anya looked to Maggie. Even what was missing that was really bad after all, he didn't seemly to do it.
   "So, Rosie. This here is William Sean McFly. Aged forty-six years old in 1931. He's the first of our family to be born in America," Maggie glanced down at Anya. "It's all right, Will. This is Mrs. Jellinsky here, visitin'."
   William looked up at Anya and smiled.
   "Looks that anyone to see at you," Anya confused. He wasn't surely at an all.
   "Sure'n he likes you, Mrs. Jellinsky," Maggie said.
   "Holy shoot!" Anya said to Maggie. "Did you see that my Seamus? Wait... Is that only for...?"

   Seamus trying to the rabbit

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   Seamus trying to the rabbit. But it was Roger Rabbit, and the two rabbits. It seemly what happened goes wrong with it.
   "Seamus!" Roger Rabbit shocked. "Let me go! It's from the Toon Town!"
   "Hey, Maggie!" Seamus said. "I've got it into from the last supper!"
  But suddenly, that was not the rabbit — it was Roger Rabbit! Anya didn't have an rabbits.
   "Oh, my!" Seamus gasped. "You're visiting the Hill Valley?"
  "Yup," Roger Rabbit asked. "We found the two rabbits. And from that execpt for me, Seamus!"
  Seamus laughed. Roger Rabbit laughed. Even was really suppose that badly too much after all, Anya couldn't wanted to being like this!
   "Oh, geez louise. Geez louise," Anya whispered. "It's the Roger Rabbit. He's the one from the film of Who Framed Roger Rabbit."
   Anya sighed. He hoped he could find Doc Browns (1885, 1985 1985A, 2015) soon.
   That night, Anya and 1985 Marty with 1955 Doc haven't seemly long time ago. They have did wanted to his two deadly rabbits. It was the last supper of Jesus Christ.
   The last supper was ready at last. And, Anya had to admit, he was ready for it. The smells that had come from the stew pot in the last hour or so had convinced him now hungry he really was. Stewed rabbit was beginning to sound like one of the best meals Anya had ever had.
  Adult Will seeing over in, and the four adults with Komasan all sat down at the dinner table, a plate heaped with rabbit and vegetables in front of each of them. Anya reached quickly for his knife and fork.
   He heisted when he saw Seamus's folded hands.
  "From thy bounty through Christ Our Lord, Amen," Seamus said reverently.
   "Amen, zura," Komasan chorused.
  "Amen," 1985 Martin Senior added hastily as Seamus and Maggie crossed themselves.
  He had forgotten all about people saying grace. He looked down at his plate. Maybe he'd better wait and see what the others did before he started to eat.
  Both Seamus and Maggie picked up their forks and knives. Anya couldn't think of a better invitation. He carved out a hunk of rabbit and took a hearty bite. It wasn't bad either; a little bit of chick—
   Something in his mouth went crack.
  "Rosie, be careful," Seamus cautioned, "There still might be buckshot in there."
   Anya reached into his mouth and pulled out a small black pellet. He smiled weakly.
   "I like those... but what did you do?" 1985 Martin Senior said to Seamus.
   But Anya was wrong. He haven't seemly like you — it was that part of the planing of this. It didn't Hattie and Komasan he sure than even so wrong?
  "Rosie, you've even seen an adult 1931 William McFly!" Seamus exclaimed. "You're even since William McFly have you born in 1885?"
  "Hah. That's an little  very like even the best onto its interesting," 1985 Martin Senior confused.
  "You'd even making something..." Anya muttered. "You'd even seen like this! It's Mary Steenburgen!"
   "Mary Steenburgen?" Maggie confused to Anya. "Is that your schoolmate teacher?"
   Roger Rabbit sighed, "I wasn't look even Steenburgen like that!"
   "That's even your schoolmate?" 1955 Emmett Brown confused to Maggie.
   Seamus and Anya had didn't know to using the Tiara. But Anya had like it to wearing on Peach's Tiara.
  Seamus said, "I'm not one to pray into a man's personal affairs, but exactly how was it that you came to be way out here without a horse or boots or a hat?"
  "Well, my ca... horse broke down and..." Anya sighed. "And a bear defeated turned into rainbow bear, and I guess I just forget my Tiara."
   Seamus smiled to Anya, he didn't want to given to Seamus's hat. It was Tiara onto Anya's head.
  "I'll tell you what I'll do," he said simply. "I'll help you find your blacksmith friend. You can stay the night in the barn. And tomorrow, I'll take you as far as the railroad tracks. You can follow 'em straight on into town. But, thanks Anya."
   "All right, let's me behind over it," Anya said.
   Anya and Maggie even seen an adult 1931 William. Anya haven't to using the last rabbit. It what happened to seemly adult William McFly didn't making same time.
   "I think you'll find the barn comfortable. I've never had any complaints about it from the pigs," Roger Rabbit said to Seamus.
   When Anya looking around William who was sitting on the bed, he couldn't to be peed at all. Anya haven't doesn't good better someone who was — they something bad after all. Komasan haven't should be anything like this!
  "Erm, Princess Anya?" William confused. "But, did we what happened?"
   But Anya looks up to William. But they didn't have no one wonder he haven't took long for years, it had didn't no longer missed it.
  "So, you're my great-grandfather. The first McFly you were born on America," Anya said, looking around her into William's shoulders. "And you'd pee'd on me."

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