Chapter Nineteen

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*flash foreword to the end of the pregnancy*

I wasn't able to sleep tonight. I was in extreme pain all night. I rolled over and looked at the clock.
2 am. I rolled my eyes and rolled back on my side and tried to shake off the pain. I closed my eyes, and thought I had been actually sleeping for hours. I turned over and looked at the clock again.
2:18 am. I let out a quiet groan. I was frustrated. I wanted to sleep. I'm sick of this. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I lifted my shirt and looked at my slightly bulging stomach. Nothing crazy, it kinda just looked like a food baby. Being 9 months pregnant, I only looked like I was 3-4 months. I threw my hair in a bun since it was starting to piss me off being on my neck. I was extremely irritable. Everything pissed me off. It has definitely caused a lot of tension between Austin and I, but he understood and managed to keep calm. I turned the light off and opened the bathroom door. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom, a sharp shooting pain shot through my entire body. I stopped where I was and kneeled down. I sat on my knees and tried to shake the pain off once again but this time it was nearly unbearable. Tears were streaming from my eyes, but I was trying my best to be quiet, I didn't want to wake Austin. I slowly made my way to the bed and sat on my knees in the bed.
"Austin" I whispered and gave him a small shake.
"Hm" he hummed, but didn't open his eyes or move.
"I need you to wake up" I said. He slowly opened his eyes. He leaned up and put his weight on his elbows.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He said, slowly trying to wake up.
"I need to go to the hospital" I said, no longer whispering but speaking quietly.
"Why what happened?" He said.
"I'm pregnant Austin, that's what happened" I spat.
"Babe, you're not due for another 2 weeks" he said yawning.
"Austin, take me to the hospital or I'm going to drive myself" I said sternly.
"Okay okay" he said and got out of bed. He threw a pair of sweatpants on over his boxers and a t shirt. I was already wearing one of his t shirts so I put on a pair of sweatpants. I grabbed my bag that had already been packed. Austin was outside starting the car. I slipped on my shoes and started making my way down the hall. He met me mid hall and took my bag from me. He walked behind me, I felt like I was walking extremely slow, but every step I took it was just sharp pains.
"Let me carry you" he said.
"No I'm fine" I said and walked down the first step. As soon as I hit the first step I started crying again. He sighed, swooped me up effortlessly and started walking to the car.
"You need to stop being so hard headed" he chuckled. He set me in the passenger seat of the car and closed the door. I looked out the window and he was talking to someone. I rolled down my window to see camera people.
"Are you fucking kidding me" I yelled. They both looked at me.
"What the fuck are you doing here, it's 2 in the morning" I yelled. He ignored me, but Austin managed to get rid of him. He got in the car and we begun driving.
The drive seemed like ages but we finally arrived. He cane around, helped me out of the car and helped me walk inside.
We talked to the front desk and told us it was going to be a 10 minute wait. Since we were at an emergency room, it was full, of course. We took a seat and were instantly bombarded with kids who were there for one reason her another. Their parents were doing a shit job of watching them. Austin tried to take the heat away from me. He walked a few feet away from me and talked to kids ranging from 8 years old- 16 years old.
The lady at the front desk finally made an announcement.
"Can all of the parents in here please make sure your children are seated? We can't be having a disruption, we need to be able to hear for the doctors" she said. Then parents started getting up and grabbing their kids, each of them apologizing. Austin came back over and sat next to me. I rested my head on my shoulder.
"Are you okay if I go smoke real quick" he said. I gave him a look of annoyance.
"Okay I got disrupted from my sleep and haven't had a cig yet" he said and chuckled.
"Just hurry up" I mumbled. He went outside.
After a few minutes, my name was finally called.
"Avery?" The nurse said. I raised my hand and she brought a wheelchair over to me.
"Wait, can someone go get Austin, he's right there" I said and pointed at the sidewalk.
"Well have him meet you back in the room" she said and wheeled me back. They took my weight, blood pressure, etc.
they got me into a bed, changed into a gown and I was now waiting for the doctor. Austin walked in and took a seat in the chair directly next to me. He brushed my hair out of my face. He knew how annoyed I was with my hair.
"Sit up" he said. I lifted my head and he removed the ponytail I had put in my hair early. He swooped all my hair back and put it into a bun so it was completely out of my face now.
"Thank you" I said. He nodded. He held my hand and rested his head on the side of the bed.
"Knock knock" a woman said as she walked in the door. We both looked up at her.
"Well, good news, it looks like you're going to have your baby" she said excitedly.
"That's great" Austin said excitedly. I didn't say anything.
"Isn't that a good thing?" Austin said, looking at me confused. I shook my head.
"No" I said. The doctor and Austin looked at me confused.
"I'm not delivering a kid without my doctor" I said sternly.
"Well, your doctor is willing to come in, but you would need to be transported to a different hospital" she said. I pulled my self up and started to get off the bed.
"Yeah, that sounds better" I said.
"Avery maybe you should just-"
"I'm not having this baby with anyone other than my doctor Austin" I said sternly. He nodded.
"Well, you will have to go by helicopter, I am worried that you won't be able to drive there in time" the woman said.
"Sounds good" I said and slipped my shoes on. Austin looked frustrated, but he wouldn't say anything. Everyone looked frustrated but I really didn't care. The doctor left and Austin helped me get dressed.
"Remember when I said you should stop being hard headed" he said.
"Yeah well" is all I said.
We made our way to the roof where we got on the helicopter. The helicopter took us to a different hospital which would have been a 2 hour drive but only took half an hour. We went through the same process as before and we were now in a bed awaiting a doctor.
"I swear to god, I'm going to lose my fucking mind" I said loudly. It was just Austin and I in the room.
"I know babe" he said and rubbed my hand.
I've been in labor for 3 days now. 3 whole entire days and we're going on 4. I was not in a good mood, I hadn't slept in 3 days.
"Remind me again why we were so excited?" I said, and looked over at Austin. He chuckled. He was perfectly fined, freshly groomed, he was able to go shower and change his clothes. Where as I feel gross cause I can't even get out of bed without getting yelled at by doctors.
"Because, as soon as this is all over, we get to go home, you get to shower, you can eat whatever you want" he started
"Mmmmm, what else" I said and turned to him. He smiled.
"And I'm going to let you sleep, and you can sleep as long as you want, I'll take care of everything" he said with the cutest smile. I smiled back at him.
"And what else" I said. He laughed.
"The best part of course, we get to come out of this as a family, not just us anymore, we will have a family" he said. I smiled and started crying.
"Okay, let's move this along then, I'm ready to go home" I said wiping my eyes.
"I don't think it works that way" he chuckled.
"It'll work that way if I want it to work that way" I mumbled. I grabbed the small handle that had a red button on it. I clicked it repeatedly. Shortly after my doctor walked in.
"What's going on?" He asked politely.
"I'm ready to move this along" I told him. He laughed.
"Well, I guess we can take a look, but there is a possibility that you're not ready" he said, putting gloves on.
"Oh I'm ready, don't even worry about that" I said.
He laughed.
"Not mentally, but physically, your body might not be" he said taking a seat on the stool.
"No I'm serious, we can just do it, my body will get over it" I said. He flipped up the pedals on the side of the bed and adjusted my legs onto the pedals. I really hated this. I just wasn't to excited about the fact that my legs were up and another man was looking between them. He poked around for a few minutes.
"Well, good news, I think we can start" he said taking his gloves off.
"Thank god" I mumbled.
"Just know, at anytime during the process we might have to stop if you show any signs of not being ready" he said. I nodded and we walked out.
"We're not stopping, this boy is coming out today." I said to Austin. He only laughed.
A few minutes later the doctor came back in with a few nurses. The doctor took a seat on the stool once again and put gloves on.
"Dad, did you want to watch?" The doctor said. I looked over at Austin. He was staring at the doctor wide eyed.
"Watch?" He said, shocked. I laughed. He was adorable. The doctors laughed too.
"I think I'll pass this time, I don't want to, faint" Austin said.
"Oh please we've seen worse, but if you change your mind just make sure you stand right here, so you're not in the way of any of us or the light" he said pointing to where Austin was supposed to stand. Austin held my hand and could feel I was already sweating. He grabbed a paper towel, ran cold water over it and rung it out. He came back, held my hand once again and dabbed my forehead as the process continued.
"Alright, let's start then" the doctor said.

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