Chapter Four

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New York, New York

When I woke up, Austin was gone. I sat up and looked around the room but he was nowhere to be found. Today was the last show that I was with Austin on tour. I opened my hotel door and he was standing in the hallway talking to Justin. I walked over to them and Austin smiled at me.
"Good morning beautiful" he said and kissed my forehead. Justin and him were talking about the show tonight. They wrapped up their conversation and Austin walked with me back to the room.
"Austin, we need to talk" I sighed. I took a seat on the bed and he sat next to me.
"Today's my last day with you, and after today I'm not going to see you for another 6 months at least" I said. He nodded. I felt a tear slide down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away.
"I think he should take a break, until you're finished with tour" I said. He lied back on the bed and placed his hands on forehead.
I lied down next to him.
"Is there someone else?" He asked. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"No, absolutely not" I said. He stayed quiet.
"I just can't do it to myself again, sitting around waiting for you to text me back, or waiting all day for a phone call" I said
"I can do better, I can call you more" he pleaded. I chuckled.
"No, you can't, you're busy with your life right now, and I understand" he said.
"I don't want to lose you" he said.
"You're not going to" I started and placed my hand on his cheek.
"The second you get off the plain, I'll be at the airport waiting to take you home" I smiled. He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.
"Promise?" He said
"Promise" I said. We intertwined our pinkeye, connected the thumb, and kissed our hand.

As the show came closer to an end I knew that Austin and I did too. Which hurt, but it's for the best.
Austin came backstage and immediately engulfed in in a hug. Eneesa and Eniyah were here now, they would be the ones taking me home.
"Just because this is a break, doesn't mean I'm going to be with anyone else, I'm staying loyal to you" he said quietly in my ear. I flashed him a smile.
"I hope so" I said and pulled him in for a hug.
As Justin thanked the crowd Austin and I turned towards each other. We both knew this was it, and neither of us were happy about it.
"It's just a break, just until your finished" I smiled. He nodded and gave me a hug.
"I don't mean to cut y'all short but we should probably get out of here before traffic builds up" Eneesa said. I nodded and kissed Austin.
"I'll see you soon" I smiled. As we left I said goodbye to scooter and Justin. We made our way out to the car and got in and drove off.
1 month later

It's been a month since I've last seen Austin. Short videos of him always come up on my Instagram feed, but I'm finally feeling at peace with everything going on. I'm not depressed, I'm not locked in my room. I'm genuinely happy. Happy for him, and focused more on being excited about seeing him when the tour ends in a few months. Eneesa, Eniyah, and I were all sitting around watching the news, but not really paying attention, just doing whatever on social media.
"Justin Bieber's Purpose World tour quickly comes to an end, the singer cancels the rest of the dates for his tour due to 'mental health' issues" the reporter said. Eneesa, Eniyah and I all looked up at each other.
No possible way. This would mean Austin is coming home early.
"Is this real?" I asked
"It's on the news" Eneesa said.
"Oh my god, yay, sad but yay" I said standing up. We all jumped together in a circle, squealing like little girls.
Another month later
(Sorry for all the jumping around but, come on, we want Austin)
I stumbled up to my door. I had two arms full of groceries.
"Here let me get those for you" a very familiar voice said as I tried to open my door. The person grabbed the groceries out of my hands. I turned around and jumped into the air and clung on to him. He dropped all of the groceries and wrapped his arms around my waist, squeezing me tightly. He stayed like that for a good 5 minutes before he set me down.
"I'm so glad your back" I smiled excitedly.
"I have missed you so much" he said and kissed me all over my face multiple times.
We picked up our mess and made our way inside. We set the groceries on the counter and he helped me put everything away.
"So how have you been?" I asked.
"Great, I started recording a second album" he said excitedly.
"That's amazing" I beamed. He nodded, he had a huge smile plastered across his face.
"So when does it come out?" I asked.
"Not for a long time, we've only get a few songs down, I still need to write more" he said.
"Well, I'm sure you'll get it" I smiled.
"Let's go out" he smiled and pulled me in.
"Where too?" I asked.
"Well" he started and took a deep breath.
"I haven't gotten to take you out to dinner in awhile, and I would love to start with that" he said and twirled me around. I smiled.
"Okay" I said.
"Go get dressed" he said and slapped my butt. I ran up the stairs and Austin went over to his house to get dressed also.
I found a nice matching set and matching heels. I threw my hair in a ponytail and I was ready to go.

I walked downstairs and Austin was waiting outside of my door for me

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I walked downstairs and Austin was waiting outside of my door for me.
"Well hello mami" he said licking his lips. I smiled and interlocked our fingers.
"Why hello" I said back to him.
We walked out and down the stairs to his car. He had gotten a new car, the Lexus was gone and he now had a Rolls Royce. We got in and he began driving. We drove for quite some time and finally got to the restaurant.

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