Chapter Eleven

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"Post Malone was spotted with Kelly Gale, a Victoria secret model. They were seen on his private yacht off the coast of Saint Tropez beach" the tv said, then showed a few pictures of him and girl, cuddling and being super close on the yacht. It's been 6 months since him and I broke up, I wasn't mad, I wasn't upset, but it does kind of suck that he moved on so quickly. As far as Austin knows though, I talking to another guy. I made a new friend, his name was Jake, and it was on the media quite a few times that we were dating, even though we weren't but that's how the media is. My friends went back to New York, but I decided to stay here in California. I bought my own place. I took Scooter up on his offer and I had him booking me for small gigs every now and then to be able to afford living here.
My phone started going off, it was scooter.
"Hello?" I said
"Hey Avery, so I have an event that I could book you for, it pays really well" he said.
"Okay so do it" I chuckled.
"Here's the thing, Austin will definitely be there and I just want to make sure that okay with you" he said. I was quiet for a moment.
"Yeah, that'll be fine" I finally said.
"Awesome, it'll be next week, I'll text you all the details" he said.
"Sounds good" I said.
We hung up the phone and I continued to watch the tv. As I watched, it was becoming more apparent to me that I missed Austin. The only reason why I wasn't hurting was because of the way I suppressed my feelings with liquor. I want him back. I don't want him to be with anyone else. I'll never share the same bond with anyone that I had with him. We were best friends, but now we don't even talk, and that's painful. He was there for me when no one else once.
Somehow I managed to talk myself into forgiving him, and I was determined to get him back.
We were at the event, and I was standing down in the crowd but now with the crowd. There was a fence and a line of security separating us. I was in the small section that was closed off to the general public. There were a few people here, me, a few other performers and Austin's new girlfriend. I took a good look at her, I wanted to know what exactly I was dealing with because I know she really isn't going to like me after tonight. Tonight I fully intend of breaking them up and having him to myself once again. Austin was on the stage and he finally had noticed me. He looked me directly in the eyes and he stood in front of the mic silently.
"Has anyone listened to the new album?" He asked into the mic but continued to stare at me. The crowd went crazy, but I stood there quietly. I hadn't heard it, I hadn't even tried to listen to it. He nodded his head then looked away from it.

As he sang his final song, he stared at me most of the time, pointed in my direction, and stayed on the side of the stage closest to me.
Once his performance was over, I was rushed behind the stage and Austin took his spot next to his girlfriend.
I was quickly put into the costume, and my dancers were already ready. I was introduced and the crowd cheered. I had a name for myself nowadays, but I decided not to take it to the next level in signing to a label, etc.
The lights on the stage quickly changed and so did the back drop.

Everyone clapped once the song was over, so we were onto the next. I was doing 3 songs, then the next performer would come on. I quickly made my way to the back, changed my outfit and begun.

Once the song was over, I ran back to change as quick as possible.
"Avery, are you sure this song is ready?" Scooter asked. I nodded. I had only wrote it a few days ago and the choreography was rushed to the fullest.
"We're ready" I smiled. He took in a deep breath.
"Okay, don't let me down" he said with a smile. I made my way back out to the stage. I quickly walked over to where Austin was standing with his girlfriend. I stood on the edge of the stage and they both stared at me. I stuck my arm out, offering him my hand. He looked at it confused and hesitantly took it. I helped pull him up to the stage. I sat him down in a chair.
"Just stay here, and all you have to do is pick up the chairs and follow the dancers" I said and pushed him into the chair. The crowd was going insane, except his girlfriend. She had a burnt look on her face.
"Okay y'all, this is a new song, I actually just wrote it a few days ago, but I hope y'all love it as much as I do" I smiled and the crowd once again went crazy.

Obviously he didn't know the dances, but the way he touched my body during the dancing, he wasn't to far off. I was sure to give him a hard push when he needed to get up and he was picking up on it.
As the performance ended, he stood up, the lights were still out so no one could see us other than the people directly in front. He swooped me up, wrapped my legs around him and kissed me. He carried me behind the stage without breaking the kiss. The people that were back there were staring at us like we were crazy, but we didn't pay them no mind.
We made our way down to where all of the rooms are and he put my back against the door to his room. I reached back and turned the knob, opening it. He walked in, slammed the door closed with his foot then set me down on the couch.
"God I've missed you" he said collapsing down onto my body. He was breathing heavily, and so was I.
We lied there for a few minutes. Silently. Just trying to catch our breaths. After a few moments, he slowly stood up and began dressing again.
"Where are you going?" I asked, lifting my head up and setting it on the palm of my hand.
"I have to go back out there before Kelly-" he started.
"You're going to stay with her?" I yelled and shot up quick.
"Well I mean, I can't just-" he started again. I stood up and walked up to him.
"What do you mean you can't" I yelled.
"I mean like, she hasn't done anything wrong so o can't break up with her" he chuckled.
"Break up with her" I said angrily.
"Why?" He asked
"Because" I hissed
"Because why?" He asked.
"Because Austin, this isn't how it's supposed to be, you're supposed to be with me" I yelled. He stood in front of me, silent for a moment.
"What? You don't want me anymore?" I asked.
"No, I do" he said confidently.
"Then break up with her" I said. He sighed. He placed a hand on my cheek, and his fingers wrapped around my face to the back of my neck.
"I'll see what I can do" he said with a smile, pulled my head in and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. He smiled, grabbed my clothes off the floor and handed them to me.
"You should probably get dressed before I open that door" he chuckled. I quickly put on my clothes and sure enough he was right. As soon as we opened the door there were cameras pointed at us and people started yelling questions at us. We walked out, shoved past them and got to where our managers were standing. They both looked at us with crossed arms. I gave scooter a shy smile and he didn't look amused. And neither did Austin's manager.
"Where were you?" Scooter asked both of us. I looked down at my feet, Austin cleared his throat.
"Just downstairs" he said quietly.
"Doing?" His manager asked. We looked at each other.
"Just catching up" I said and smiled hesitantly.
Scooter squeezed the bridge of his nose between his pointer finger and thumb.
"I didn't think I was going to have to ever ask you this Avery, but we're you- Uh- safe?" He asked hesitantly. Austin laughed. I slapped his side and he stopped. I nodded. Lie. Austin and I never were, we've just been lucky.
"And Austin what about kelly?" His manager asked.
"What about her?" He asked.
His manager pointed at me then looked at him confused.
"Why would she care?" Austin asked.
"Cause that's your girlfriend?" Austin's manager said, now beginning to yell. Austin chuckled.
"She knows I do what I want" he shrugged and walked away.
"Avery, go wait in the car" scooter said, obviously frustrated.
I quickly caught up to Austin.
"How are you going to leave her?" I asked excitedly.
"I'm not sure" he chuckled.
"Well, I've missed you" I said with a small smile. He smiled too.
He grabbed my hand and spun my around while we were walking.
"I've missed you so much more"

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